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After five minutes Frida returned to the living room, Göran still crying and Benny had him carried while rocking him trying to calm down.

Agnetha: Frida, are you okay?

Frida: yes, I think so, Anna.She looked at Benny and approached him.

Frida: can you give me my baby?

Benny: that is also mine...

Frida: that's also how Mona is waiting for you. You can leave, now.

At that time Hans and Peter who were working together arrived at the house, noticing the tension and the suitcase were very surprised and curious.

Hans: does something happen? whose suitcase is it?

For a moment they remained silent, they didn't know what to say or answer, they didn't know where to start.

Frida: Benny won't live here anymore.

Hans: what?! but why?

Peter: What's up, Benny?

Frida: he has met a new person and I can't compete against that.

Peter: Benny, what have you done?

Benny: I'm going to show everyone that I'm not the father of Mona's baby.

Hans: did you get her pregnant?

Benny: no, Hans... she wants everyone to believe that.

Frida: I can never forgive you.

Peter: Then we will also have to go? I haven't packed my things yet.

Frida: no, Peter... none of that. You and Heléne will always have your place here, I understand if you want to leave with your father and his new family but you don't have to leave.

Benny approached Frida and asked her to let him carry his baby again, he held him in his arms and began to rock him, he didn't want to leave him, he didn't want to separate from him but couldn't do anything because he had shitted.

Benny: Frida, I didn't want things to end like this, I don't want to separate from my son... and neither from you.

Frida: I didn't want this to happen but you broke my heart and now it is ashes.

Benny: Hans, please help me, you know how much I love your mom.

Hans: I'm sorry, Benny. I don't know what to say.

Frida took the baby again and Benny couldn't help feeling his soul shattered, he didn't want to leave them, he took his suitcase and with a lump in his throat he took the keys to his car and turned to look at Frida and she looked at him, the pain in their eyes was indescribable, their bodies turned to ice as their hearts, the tears were lost on Benny's beard... he left the house, Björn left the keys to Agnetha and followed him.

Frida wanted to avoid collapsing at all costs. But when the door closed it was a shot to her heart, she never imagined that had to go through that, not in one of her happiest moments in her life, not when she just had a baby. Everything she wanted for her future had just fallen apart, her tears kept falling like rain on the sea, her grief was becoming more big and I couldn't help it, felt that she had died.

She didn't know how she was going to be able to live without him, didn't think it was possible and didn't know where to start, she felt lost, what did she does after that? What was going to become of her? She didn't understand why that was happening to her, although she tried to understand it, her mind was wearing down, letting him go made a hole in her heart but she had to do it, his deceit had destroyed her and she wasn't going to forgive him.

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