Andante, Andante.

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In the car on the way to the hospital it was 12 a.m. and Benny was very nervous but Frida was more relaxed although he was upsetting her.

Benny: I knew it wasn't a good idea Frid, look now I hurt our baby. And if he dies? —he was crying—.

Frida: stop the car.

Benny: no, we have to get there fast.

Frida: Benny stop the damn car I'm telling you —she shouted at him—.

Benny braked the car and Frida got out, went to the other side and opened the pilot's door.

Frida: move to the other side.

Benny: what are you going to do?

Frida: we are not going to arrive alive so better to the other side.

Benny obeyed and Frida drove to the hospital. When Benny arrived desperate, he looked for the nurses to attend them but Frida tried to calm him down.

Benny: call the doctor... tell him to come urgently, Mrs. Andersson needs him.

Frida: Benny, the nurses can watch me.

Benny: don't strain, sit down... calm down, breathe, don't worry that everything will be fine.

Frida: listen to me, the one who must calm down is you, I don't feel bad, much less. Please, relax.

The nurses brought her to the doctor's office while he arrived, Benny and she were waiting impatiently and she was calm.

Benny: Sure you feel good?

Frida: Of course, Benny ... I'm great, my love nothing happened but I want the doctor to tell you so you're safe.

Half an hour later the doctor came to the office and Benny quickly got up from the chair.

Benny: Doctor, Frida is bleeding, do anything so she doesn't lose the baby.

Frida: Doctor, I'm going to explain what happened. We had sex and when we finished i was bleeding a little but it didn't hurt or anything, I said it is normal because in my last pregnancy the same thing happened to me but he thinks I'm having a miscarriage but I don't feel it that way.

Doctor: indeed, the bleeding may be normal. Has it continued or stopped?

Frida: it stopped, it was simply in the moment.

Benny: you could still check her to be sure.

Doctor: Yes, Mr. Andersson, I will check your wife so you can be calm.

Frida leaned back on the stretcher and the doctor began to examine where the bleeding had come from, Benny felt uncomfortable that someone else was checking his wife's vagina but had to put up with it. He held her hand while the doctor did his work and she was very calm.

Doctor: apparently there is nothing to worry about. During pregnancy, increases the blood volume of the mother and dilatation of blood vessels occurs.

Benny: how is that?

Doctor: When having sexual intercourse with penetration, a rubbing of the vaginal walls occurs. The sensitivity of the area due to congestion of the tissues causes a small rupture of the blood vessels causing a slight bleeding.

Frida: I told you there was nothing to worry about.

Doctor: don't worry, it is more common than you think and we always have couples in the rooms concerned after maintaining sexual intercourse. But you didn't do anything wrong.

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