Tell Me It's Over.

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Hans took the baby and left the kitchen without saying anything but Frida's gaze told him everything.

Benny: So, when did you plan to tell me?

Frida: never,said coldly—. Benny, I'm pregnant but it's not your kid.

Benny: two tears came out, it broke his heart that Frida told him that,— how? It's impossible, stop lying to me now.

Frida: I'm not lying to you, this baby has nothing to do with you.

Benny: Then whose the hell is the father? shouted to her—.

Frida: you don't care about it she shouted back—.

Benny: I do care a lot he grabbed her by the waist sticking her towards him,— I care because you're my wife.

Frida: why do you care? Soon you won't care anymore because I'll stop being your wife, finally!!

Benny: you and I are going to be together forever with our children because you love me and I love you.

Frida: you were wrong, you got her pregnant and Mona is going give you a baby, if you love me so much as you say you should have thought twice before going to bed with her.

Benny: I'm going to show you that I'm innocent, even if it's the last thing I do.

Frida: you know what? I am very tired of talking to you about the same thing, because you can do what you want.

Benny: anyway, now more than ever that we are going to have another baby I have to put security here and we also have to prepare another bedroom, I'll take care of everything, don't worry.

Frida smiled sarcastically thinking he was a fool and left, she left him talking to himself but he didn't care because he was so excited that he didn't care about anything and just wanted to get his family back. Frida went to bathe to go to work, when she left and went to the room Benny was in bed changing the diaper to Göran and talking to him.

Frida: Benny, could you go out please?

Benny: no, why?

Frida: I need to get dressed to go to work.

Benny: yeah, and?

Frida: I need you to leave so i could have privacy.

Benny: no, you won't do something that I have not seen, I am also having a conversation with my son and I can't interrupt.

Frida rolled her eyes, took her clothes and returned to the bathroom, Benny smiled and continued talking with Göran.

Benny: your mom looks beautiful when she gets angry... you're going to have another little brother or sister and you're going to be an older brother, are you happy? I'm happy too.

After five minutes, Frida came out of the bathroom already dressed and Benny was still talking to the baby, she took him in her arms and kissed him.

Frida: I don't want to leave and separate from him, not after what happened last night.

Benny: the new security is not long in coming, I'll stay to wait.

Benny stared at her for a while while he caressed and kissed her baby.

Benny: you look beautiful, how many weeks do you have?

Frida: thank you, I have 10 weeks.

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