Anniversary Love.

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(The pic is from the last Frida's birthday with Benny, November 1980. Welcome to the breakdown hour).

Tuesday, 10/06/1981.

Baby cries woke them up, like every morning... Benny got up first, Frida was heavier but she also got up and went behind him. They entered the room and there were their daughters waiting to be fed, Benny took in his arms Ashley and Fernanda and Frida Paula, being the most bullies was the one that needed to be fed first although her sisters began to copy her and also were coming back weeping.

While they did their duties as parents Benny and Frida looked at each other for a few seconds and both smiled, they remembered the same thing.

Benny: happy anniversary, my love.

They both kissed, although their daughters separated them tried to do it as they could and then they smiled.

Frida: happy anniversary, I love you!

They finished with the girls and the nannies went up to do the rest of the work, Göran was already walking the corridors with the help of Lise-Lotte.

Lise-Lotte: Happy wedding anniversary,she smiled—.

Benny and Frida thanked her at the same time returning the smile, then Benny carried Göran and started playing with him.

Frida: he's so big that I can't believe it.

Benny: I don't either, I feel like he was born yesterday and his mouth is full of teeth and he almost walks and talks.

Benny passed him to Frida and kissed them both.

Benny: I have to bathe because I'll go to work.

Frida: why do you have to go? she put on a puppy face—.

Benny: duty calls but I would like to stay with you here, apart because it is very cold outside.

Frida: I can't wait for holidays.

Benny: smiled,— By the way, wait for me in the evening because you and I are going to escape tonight.

Frida: where are we going?

Benny: I can't tell you because it's a surprise but I think that tonight the children will have to sleep alone with Lise-Lotte.

Frida: really? Okay, I think it's about time! I wait for you but go to get ready, I'll make breakfast.

Frida went downstairs and prepared breakfast so that Benny could eat something before leaving, she spent all her time thinking about what he had said, was she really ready to dawn away from home without the children?

She returned from her thoughts and when finished preparing everything, set the table for breakfast, Lise-Lotte sat down and put Göran in his chair to give him food, he already ate everything like a big person. Benny came down and sat with them on the table to also start breakfast, but before, he kissed Frida.

He began to serve eggs, bread, cheese, served the juice and grabbed fruit while Frida looked at him, he felt her eyes, smiled and kissed her again.

Benny: are you okay?

Frida: Yes, but I'm still curious where we're going.

Benny: Well, it's a surprise, but get ready as you always do and that's it.

Frida: It's okay but try not to be late because I'll miss you all day.

Benny: I promise.

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