Big Sister.

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Frida and Benny were holding hands with Lise-Lotte and Göran waiting for the door to open at the house of Björn and Agnetha who had a party to announce the sex of their baby and to celebrate their tenth anniversary of marriage.

Björn opened the door and greeted his friends, Frida threw herself to hug him to wish him a happy anniversary and then he invited them to come in, in the house were the closest friends and relatives of Björn and Agnetha as their sisters, their parents and others. Immediately Agnetha and Frida saw each other,  hugged and smiled.

Frida: look at yourself, you look beautiful.

Agnetha: not so much as you ...

Frida: happy anniversary!

Agnetha: thanks for coming!

Frida heard Göran's cry and when she looked across the room there was Benny trying to calm him down, she approached them and took the baby in her arms while rocking him.

Benny: I'm sorry, I don't know what happens to him.

Frida: he can't be hungry because he has just eaten, nor can't be sleepy because he slept a lot.

Frida imagined what could be happening, sat on the couch while trying to open Göran's mouth to see what happened, noticed that he had a white silhouette on his gum.

Benny: what happens? He sat next to her.—

Frida: his first tooth is coming out.

Benny: smiled slightly and looked in the baby bag,— then he will need this baby teether.

Frida took it and put it in Göran's mouth, he quickly grabbed it in despair and started to bite it while he calmed down. Frida stroked his head while holding him in her arms. Björn gave Benny a glass of Whiskey and sat next to them.

Benny: Hey, do you want to tell me what are you going to have?

Björn: no, I don't want to.

Benny: why not? I'm dying to know!

Björn: Frida knows.

Benny: looked at Frida surprised,— seriously? Why didn't you tell me?

Frida: because Agnetha told me to keep the secret.

Benny: It's not fair that everyone knows it except me.

Frida: Benny, don't be dramatic! You will know in a while.

Björn took advantage of the fact that Agnetha was away from them and showed them a ring he had in a little box.

Benny: what is that?

Frida opened her mouth because she was surprised and smiling.

Björn: I will ask her to renew our marriage vows again.

Frida: omg she will be so happy!!

Björn: do you think so? I'm so nervous.

Benny: Of course she will be happy, you know how romantic Agnetha is.

Björn kept the ring as soon as he saw that his wife was approaching, she called him to go with her and they captured the attention of everyone there. Benny helped Frida get up and carried Göran so that Frida could rest because she had enough with her 29-weeks pregnant belly that was huge.

Agnetha and Björn got all the attention while they were holding hands, Linda next to them and Christian was impossible to make him calm.

Agnetha: as you know that today we celebrate two very important things for us, my pregnancy and our tenth anniversary, that's why it was very important that everyone is here to share with us.

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