Money, Money, Money.

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The next day Frida and Benny had to wake up early because they had a meeting to talk about ABBA financial matters, Frida didn't want to wake up because she still felt very tired but tried to do it.

Benny: if you don't feel like going, there are no problems, I can apologize.

Frida: Noo, I prefer to go. You know that I have to be aware of how we will handle the money.

They both went down to breakfast, Benny tried to make Frida eat everything there was to make her stronger, made her eat fruits and drink juice too.

Frida: i know you want me to become a cow.

Benny: noo... what I want is for you to be well, kissed her—.

He took her hand and helped her get into the car.

Benny: will we tell everyone?

Frida: knowing you, I know you won't shut up.

Benny: Well yes, I have to tell them so that everyone knows that I am the happiest man on this planet.

They arrived at the office and Benny opened all the doors so that Frida could enter and then he opened the chair in the meeting room so that she could sit down, they brought them cups of coffee for each one but Frida rejected it.

Frida: can you bring me water, please?

Agnetha: what happened? Won't you accompany me with a cup of coffee this  morning?

Frida: no, Anna... not this time.

Agnetha: then can you give me yours? Last night Christian had a fever and we didn't sleep at all.

Frida: Yes, you can take it. Is Christian better?

Agnetha: yes, only the change in the climate doesn't help much.

Benny took Frida's hand and Stig started talking, apparently Stig and Björn were having a great and productive conversation while Benny and Frida had a thumbs fight under the table, Frida laughed very loudly unconsciously and interrupted the conversation that the others had honestly forgotten where she was, quickly took all the looks and returned to a serious way again, Frida squeezed Benny's hand.

Stig: are you paying attention to what we are saying?

Benny: tried to put a concentrated face,— oh yes, in short.

Björn: So what do you think?

Benny: I think I have to think about it ...

Björn: what do you have to think?

Benny: why are you attacking me? Frida couldn't help laughing.

Björn: I'm not attacking you. What are you laughing at, Frida?

Frida: the truth is that no, neither of us were paying attention.

Görel: in the next ABBA show we are going to play thumbito.

Benny: listen, Frida and I have to tell you something.

Frida: whispered in Benny's ear,— now?

Benny: Yes, I can't wait anymore.

Stig: don't invent anything new because the last time Frida wanted to ride on skates on stage almost split her ass.

Frida: this time someone broke my ass and I got pregnant.

Benny: what a romantic way to say you're pregnant.

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