Best Friends.

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Already in the house, Frida spent all that remained of the day sleeping and Benny watching her dreams, from time to time he also fell asleep but couldn't concentrate.

In the evening Björn, Agnetha and the children went to visit them. Benny received them down immediately taking little Christian in his arms.

Agnetha: Benny, we're very sorry.

Björn: I would have liked things to have ended differently.

Benny: I know... hey, I wanted to apologize for yesterday, I had no idea what was happening with Frida.

Björn: Okay, I know it wasn't your intention.

Agnetha: are the kids here?

Benny: Yes, they are in the bedroom with Frida, let's go up so you can see them.

They went to the bedroom and Frida saw them and smiled, despite everything she was happy to see her friends. They approached and hugged her, the hug was warm and encouraging, Linda also approached and sat next to her.

Linda: Aunt Frida, I hope you like what I did.

Frida: let's see... took the sheet that Linda had in her hands—.

It was a drawing of Frida with children. They were Linda, Christian, Hans, Lotta, Peter and Heléne. That detail moved her a lot and her eyes got teary.

Frida: it's beautiful, Linda... thank you very much.

Linda: I did it so you know you have many children that we love you.

Frida: she smiled and hugged herand I love you... all for you. —she said referring to Hans and Lotta who were there, too.

Benny had Christian still in his arms and Frida couldn't take her eyes off him, he looked so sexy and beautiful holding a baby and all of a sudden there were so many images of what could have been theirs.

Björn: how are you feeling darling?

Frida: I'm much better now that I see you.

Agnetha: you look spectacular, as if nothing has happened to you.

Frida: thank you, Anna... but the bags under my eyes have multiplied.

Agnetha: it's normal, rest and fast you get off.

Frida: but I'm tired of lying down. I want to go down and eat something.

Benny: Yes, baby, of course, I was already worried because you didn't want to eat.

***The phone rang and Lise-Lotte went to tell Benny.***

Lise-Lotte: Benny, you have a call.

Benny went to the hallway and picked up the phone, Frida got out of bed while talking to Agnetha and Björn. Lotta, Hans and Linda went down to the living room.

Frida heard Benny say "I won't be able to pick you up because Frida still hasn't recovered", when she heard him answer that, she approached him, quickly noticed that he was talking to Heléne and snatched the phone to answer her.

Frida: Heléne... how are you? be ready in half an hour, Benny will go to pick you up.

Benny looked at her confused and when they hung up the phone Frida took his hand and went down the stairs.

Frida: Benny, it's unfair... they wait for you every weekend so you can go and pick them, to be with you, you can't say no.

They walked to the dining room where the others were and Benny opened the chair and then helped her to sit down.

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