Celebrating Love.

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In the morning, Benny got up around 9:00 a.m., his bed was empty, he looked at the crib and it was also empty, he felt lost for a few seconds but then remembered that it was his birthday. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and face so he could wake up better.

He left the room and went to the dining room, Peter and Heléne —who was carrying Göran, were sitting at the table while Frida was having a cup of coffee. Everyone got up and went to hug and congratulate.

That morning, despite being cold and gray, had a special charm, Benny had a happy face because he had everything anyone could wish for, everyone sat down at the table and Benny also poured himself coffee to survive. At that moment the doorbell rang and Frida smiled and went to open the door.

When she saw who was, let out a scream that was heard throughout the house. She hugged her daughter very strong and also Hans who had arrived with her and helped her pack the bags into the house.

They went straight to the dining room where breakfast was already served, Lotta went straight to Benny to give him a big hug for his birthday, he also hugged her very strong and kissed her head, he was happy to see her again and even felt that she grew a little more the time she was away.

Then she went to greet Peter and Heléne and immediately took little Göran in her arms for the first time and her face showed how happy she was. Benny and Frida stood side by side watching the connection made by Göran and Lotta.

Lotta: you don't know who I am, but I'm your sister who loves you too much, you're too big. —talked with Göran,— You're handsome.

Benny: he looks like me.

Heléne: not even in your dreams, Andersson. He has a mixture of Lotta and me.

Benny: that's why you look like me.

Heléne: not in your most remote dreams.

Frida: we better start having breakfast before it gets cold.

Everyone began to serve breakfast, Frida with one hand holding Göran who was eating while she also had breakfast. Lotta was telling her story of NYC, apparently she was fascinated and nothing made Frida happier who smiled incessantly.

After breakfast, everyone helped clean the table, Frida was more frantic with cleaning now that they had a new member in the family. Frida and Benny came up with the baby to get ready. Benny looked for the baby's bathtub and put it on top of the bed, Frida undressed Göran while he watched attentively what his parents were doing while moving his legs and arms.

Frida put him in the bathtub holding him while Benny little by little poured lukewarm water on his little body, then with soap for baby soaped him all over the body, cleaning him well and then pouring more water and being able to remove all the soap residue.

They cleaned the hands, the neck as well and the head. Quickly Benny took his yellow towel and wrapped him in it. Frida removed the baby tub and took it to the bathroom. Benny was responsible for drying every part of his body and put the diaper.

Frida: love, something is missing...

Benny: what?

Frida took the cream and passed it on.

Frida: you have to put it on before the diaper, to avoid peeling his skin.

Benny did what his wife asked him while she looked for the clothes they would put on him. Benny also dressed him until he was handsome and warm.

Both Benny and Frida also bathed and dressed and then went down to the room where Görel, Björn, Agnetha and the children were already. Everyone congratulated Benny on his birthday, he was more than grateful. Lotta sat next to her mother who had the child in her arms, she kept looking at him, Frida hugged her and they looked at each other full of happiness.

Lotta: Mom, I still can't believe you've had another child, he's so tiny and cutie.

Frida: It's weird because I remember when you were like that as a little kid.

Soon Benny's sister and Stig and his wife also arrived, only they were the closest, not only celebrating Benny's birthday but also Göran's arrival in the world and he was already two weeks old.

Benny uncovered champagne and the noise of the stopper scared Göran out he started crying. All were paralyzed while Frida put him on her chest so that he would no longer be afraid.

Benny: sorry, I didn't know he would be scared.

Frida got up trying to find calm again but felt that her strength was fading more and more. When Benny poured champagne over all the glasses, he dropped the bottle and went to help Frida with Göran. Benny took him in his arms and began to walk with him throughout the room until his crying calmed down.

Christian was walking next to Benny with every step he took and the others just laughed. Frida tried to carry him but to her surprise Christian was big and weighty, he had grown a lot.

Agnetha: Frida, dear, remember you still can not make that force.

Frida: I hadn't realized how big Christian is, when did you grow up so much? she went down to talk to him—.

He smiled and ran after Benny who had already managed to calm down Göran again, Frida went back to the sofa and sat next to Agnetha while the others talked and drank champagne.

Frida: I haven't slept at all, well, we have not slept because Benny is the same.

Agnetha: it's exhausting but it's worth it.

Frida: yes, but I miss sleeping. At night we get up 3 times and early in the morning he is awake.

Agnetha: do you want to have another?

Frida: Of course not —laughed,— the bit of energy we have Benny and I go directly to Göran, I still don't know how we will return to work in January.

Agnetha: at least it has coincided with the December holidays or you don't have to go to a premier like me.

Frida: damn no, I think I would die.

Benny left the baby to Lotta and sat next to Frida, then passed her a champagne glass and she passed it to Agnetha but she gave it back to her because she already had one in her hand.

Benny: Frida, it's for you... drink a little bit.

Frida: are you crazy? How will I drink that?

Benny: it's just a little...

Frida tried to ignore the fact that Benny wanted her to drink alcohol. They spent all afternoon celebrating his birthday, eating, drinking and even dancing. Frida came out of the kitchen with a chocolate cake and some lighted candles and everyone began to sing "Happy Birthday" to Benny.

Frida put the cake on the table in front of him and while they sang illuminated by the candle lights she hugged him and kissed his cheek. Then he closed his eyes and made his wish by extinguishing the candles and kissed Frida.

Benny: my wish is that we are always together, you who are the closest to me and my 5 children and my wife whom I love with all my heart, thank you for making this birthday the best because now we have a new member in the family.

Frida: I'm not very good at words but my heart wants to talk to you, you know you're the love of my life and I want us to continue building this beautiful story together. I had never felt how I feel with you, you are my dream come true and I finally understand what it is to really love someone.

Benny smiled and they both kissed again, this time it was longer and more passionate. When they finished, she passed her hand over his face and their eyes shone with happiness. They took a picture of the whole family and then with the friends, Benny was the most fortunate to have them all and his family was the engine so that he would always like to give the best of him at every moment.

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