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In the summer, they took a month off before the 79-80 tour. Benny and Frida invited Agnetha, Björn and the children for a BBQ day and be in the pool of their pink villa. Agnetha and Frida were at the loungers lying face down and sunbathing, while Benny, Björn and Hans were preparing the steaks and Heléne, Lotta and Linda were in the pool.

Benny took a cold beer and went to Frida's side, opened it and started spreading it all over her back, she jumped up followed by a scream and gave Benny a murderous look.

Frida: what are you doing?

Benny: I thought you wanted to cool off a bit.

Frida: you're an imbecile, cool yourself.

Frida snatched the beer from Benny's hand and drank it. He sat down again in the chair and she sat on his lap to eat. She was so hungry and ate quickly.

Benny: leave something for me —he smiled—.

She kissed him, when she turned around Christian was standing in front of them watching them and he smiled, they also smiled and Frida climbed him on the other side of Benny's lap. She began to give him food while playing with him.

Frida: someone was hungry. Are you hungry Christian? —Christian nodded in the most tender way possible and smiled shyly.—

Benny: he can't deny that he is the son of Björn Ulvaeus, a beast.

Frida: —she looked at him,— don't say that in front of the child.

Agnetha: —she was still lying on her stomach and everyone thought she was sleeping answered,— but it's true, Björn is a beast.

Björn: thank you, I love you too.

Benny: if your wife says it, you can't doubt that —she laughed—.

Björn: I'm a beast but in bed.

Frida: —she was alarmed, looked back at the children and then at Björn,— hey, we're not alone.

Björn: your husband started.

Agnetha: I would not be surprised if Christian go home saying that his father is a beast, he is in the phase of repeating everything.

Björn: I hold Benny and Agnetha responsible.

Benny: at least I teach him productive things that will serve him at some point in his life —he paused and then said— and our baby? In what phase is he? —he whispered to Frida—

Frida: in the phase of "don't bother us dad, we just want to go to parties".

Benny: good that one, but I didn't mean those.

Frida ignored that part, smiled and got up to jump into the pool and Agnetha did the same, both enjoyed swimming, they looked like mermaids for the simple fact that they looked fabulous and radiant.

Benny also jumped into the water and approached Frida, they took each other's hands and began to swim, then they started to kiss, Benny took her against the shore and their lips tired kissed. Frida rolled her legs on his hip and he put his hands on her butt inside her bikini. Agnetha and Björn looked at each other and realized that everything was going to start to get out of control, Björn threw them sandals that fell on Frida's head.

Benny: envious —he shouted him—.

Agnetha: Linda and Christian are here...

Benny: that doesn't matters... they can see that their uncle and aunt love each other so much, —he shouted again. He went to the other side and opened Christian's arms.— Come here with uncle.

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