All She Wants.

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When Frida woke up and Benny wasn't next to her, "damn" she thought, until when were they going to be like this? She sat on the bed and couldn't get up because she got very dizzy and then a headache hit her. She felt her eyes burning, the last time it happened was because of a hangover, but she still had to get up and solve her life, had to put everything in order and do what she had to do.

Benny had decided to go to the Children's Institute, maybe he had been very hard and hadn't given the opportunity to see how things would be. He spent the whole morning finding out about the adoption process and what Frida had done, at least if he was going to make the decision to reject it, he wanted to be sure that it was the right thing to do.

After talking to the director of the center he asked that he wanted to see the baby. They took him to the a room and while he waited for, the truth he had no idea what to expect, he was very nervous, his hands were sweating, he didn't know if he really had to but he already felt bad enough to have refused a baby.

He felt guilty in a certain way, was beginning to think that Frida could be right and that made him a horrible man, he was a dad and knew how important a child should be.

When the baby was taken to the room, he took him in his arms hesitating a little. Ludvig was 4 months old, one less than the triplets but he was strong and very awake. Immediately when he saw Benny he threw himself in his arms, he caressed his face and Ludvig smiled at him.

Maybe was beginning to understand why Frida wanted to adopt him, but on the other hand he saw him and there was Mona, he knew that the baby wasn't to blame and that in some way needed love and understanding but he didn't know if would be able to do that.

Benny handed the child again and left the room, at that time he saw Frida who was just entering the Institute, she was surprised to see him there and he began to get upset, he thought that despite everything she wanted to continue everything about the adoption. Frida approached him, she knew that he wasn't going to talk to her anyway, but needed to know why he was there.

Frida: what are you doing here?

Benny stared at her but didn't respond, apparently not intending to break the silence between them.

Frida: listen, I know you won't talk to me and you are right to be angry with me, in spite of everything I want you to realize that my love for you and our family is much greater than everything I want to do, —she lowered her head and started crying—, I came to cancel the whole process, I can't do it without you, but I want you to know that I won't give up until this child has a family that loves him as much as I would.

Benny: you don't have to do it!

Frida: what?

Benny: you heard me.

Frida: Actually I didn't hear you, speak louder please.

Benny: I said you don't have to do that, —he sighed—.

Frida: —smiled softly,— I missed your voice.

Benny: listen, I signed the paper but that doesn't mean that everything is solved, now I have to go to work.

Benny turned around to go to the door but Frida took his hand trying to stop him and walked - towards him putting her hand on his neck.

Frida: What made you change your mind?

Benny: we'll talk later Anni-Frid.

Frida: don't call me Anni-Frid.

Benny: it's your name, what do you want me to do? —Frida sighed and rolled her eyes— I really have to go. Remember we have a meeting later.

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