One Little Lie.

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January, 1982.

Benny was in the studio working, they were in the office squaring some things. The secretary entered the office and handed Benny a folder with some documents. Benny looked at them confused and saw that it was from the Children's Institute, he found it strange that a role of them had arrived.

Mona knew that Frida hadn't said anything to Benny yet, so she asked the manager to deliver it right in his office.

Benny without hesitation, opened the envelope and began to read the content, the more he read more confused was, what did all that mean? Adoption! The document was about a summons with the social worker to come to give their statements and commitment to adoption. Björn and Stig were also in the office and noticed how Benny was going pale as he read more.

Björn: Benny, is everything fine?

Benny: I don't know, this must be a joke. Here it says that I am cited for the adoption of a child registered as Ludvig Nörklit the doubts began in his head and he kept thinking,— one second, that isn't Mona's son?

Stig: yes, it's him.

Benny: there must be an error here, I have nothing to do with that. I'll call to clarify everything.

Benny called the Institute to tell them that they were making a mistake with the summons they had sent him a while ago but the person who answered him explained that there was no mistake and that even his wife had already gone to sign some documents, Benny started to bother measures that explained everything.

When he closed the phone, he took his jacket and left the office angry, got into the car and went home, his mind was cloudy and full of doubts, what did all this mean? What had Frida done? Was it a lie or did they really tell him the truth? He couldn't wait to get home so that all his doubts were clarified.

When arriving, Frida was having lunch with the kids, everyone was there, even Hans' girlfriend and Lotta hadn't yet returned to NY. He didn't say hello to anyone and said in a very angry, frustrated and authoritative tone:

Benny: Anni-Frid, we have to talk, come with me to the library.

Frida: since when am I anni-frid for you? she said getting up from the table and following him—.

Both went to the library and when the two were inside Benny slammed the door, Frida frowned and crossed her arms, she was confused but she didn't like his attitude at all.

Frida: what happens to you?

Benny: right now I'm going to tell you, can you explain what is that?

Frida: what?

Benny handed her the envelope with the citation to the Children's Institute and Frida began to sweat cold, he had found out the way she didn't want it to happen, she swallowed and still didn't have the courage to answer him.

Benny: Ludvig Nörklit, what the hell have you been doing? He raised his voice—.

Frida: he will be the next member of the family,she said determined throwing the papers to the desk—.

Benny: what family? What the hell are you talking to me?

The kids when they heard the screams, tried to approach the library and listen through the door to what was happening.

Frida: do you know that his mom doesn't want him? We can't abandon him.

Benny: us? You didn't even consult with me, you don't know if I want to or not, you wanted a child? Why didn't you tell me and I made you another without any problem he kept yelling at her—.

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