Say My Name.

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Benny, Frida, Agnetha, Björn, Linda, Christian, Stig, Görel, Eva-Lis, her husband and little Göran were having lunch in a restaurant on the outskirts of Stockholm with a beautiful view of the sea in a more private area with a table where all fit perfectly.

Frida opted to wear a short but loose dress, lilac purple, sleeveless and wavy hair with a braid to the side, perfect to show off her beautiful belly on that spring day. Agnetha also wore a dress like Frida's but pink quartz and a little tighter with her hair also wavy but loose.

First they were taking pictures of the two of them with a view of the sea while wearing their bellies, Frida's much bigger because of the time of pregnancy and the number of babies, but Agnetha's was still remarkable.

Both taken by the hands like the best friends smiled and hugged, then Frida carried Göran and Linda and Christian also joined the photos, although Agnetha could no longer carry them neither of them hugged their mom in order to be photographed together.

Benny and Björn also joined the session, Benny hugged Frida around the waist while she had Göran in her arms and Björn carried Christian while hugging Agnetha and Linda stood in front of them.

In the place there was also a journalist and cameraman who would give them a little interview. Benny sat next to Frida and Björn next to Agnetha. They had in the background the sea and the blue sky crayola, perfect afternoon in Sweden, The sun shone as much as the girls.

Görel and Stig took care that everything was in order while the others were behind the camera observing everything.


Interviewer: sunny and beautiful Saturday today in Sweden, it is 3:00 p.m. and we are with the most successful group of the last decade, they are Anni-Frid, Agnetha, Björn and Benny... ABBA.

ABBA greets the camera.

Interviewer: I want us to start talking about the new album that will be released at the end of the summer.

Björn: We are working hard to have everything ready by the end of the summer and we are very excited that you all listen the new.

Interviewer: what can we expect from the new songs?

Björn: the lyrics are more mature and deeper than the ones we've done before, Benny and I created both the lyrics and the music and they are very interesting because we tell a story in each one and the girls add their voices so that the audience can experience the Familiarity and emotion and like it is always phenomenal.

Interviewer: talking about the girls who, apart from looking beautiful, are both pregnant, how has this whole process of doing everything together, including pregnancies?

Agnetha: we don't do everything together.

Frida: luckily not!

Everyone laughed.

Frida: it has been very beautiful to be able to be pregnant at the same time as Agnetha although my pregnancy is more advanced we do many things together, not everything.

Agnetha: I love that it happened because in a certain way we support each other more and we understand each other, we have breakdowns together and what better than with my best friend.

Interviewer: talking about emotional breakdowns, the last few months haven't been easy, how have you managed to face those situations?

Benny and Frida looked at each other while Björn and Agnetha looked at the floor.

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