Christmas Gifts.

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During those weeks Frida tried to put everything in order but the situation got out of hand, she had already told Mona that they would adopt Ludvig, she hadn't even talked to Benny about it but he would say no anyway.

Frida went to the Children's Institute several times where they had the baby, there they told her what the adoption procedure would be like, they also told her that it would be a bit long but depending on what they could speed up. Frida saw the baby a few times and that was enough to know that she wanted him to be the new member of the family and there was nothing that made her change her mind.

Although she was dying of nerves and fear because of the reaction that Benny would have when he knew what she was doing, the truth was that she had to take risks and she would do everything possible to make the adoption a success.

December 24, 1981.

Frida was preparing dinner for Christmas Eve while Benny, Heléne and Lotta took care of the children, the nannies had Christmas holidays and they had to take care of them 100%.

Frida had prepared "Smorgasbord" which is the Swedish Christmas buffet, although Benny had also helped her prepare some things.

The whole day they spent doing things and preparing the house for dinner, all arranged, the triplets and Göran were dressed in pretty attire allusive to Christmas. The guests had arrived, there would only be Björn, Agnetha and the children and Eva-Lis and her family, Hans would also be with his girlfriend and Peter.

Dinner was already served at the table and everyone sat down to dinner, the triplets were in their respective babies card next to their parents and Göran was in his high chair.

Agnetha: the food is delicious.

Lotta: Right, I missed my mom's food.

Benny: well, but I helped her too!

Frida: it's true, only at the beginning but he helped —laughed—.

When they finished eating they all went to the living room and suddenly had a live concert, Benny and Björn started playing the piano and the guitar respectively, Göran who had acquired good walking skills without help was going around the room and Christian accompanied him.

Heléne, Lotta and Caroline were sitting talking, they had to know more about their sisters-in-law and as they were at home, Benny and Frida allowed them to drink Champagne, beer or wine.

Juju needed a change of diaper and Frida told Agnetha that she could use the bedroom of the triplets, both went to the room, Agnetha put her in the changing table while cleaning her.

Frida: I need to tell you something, we haven't had time to talk.

Agnetha: Of course, tell me! Everything is alright?

Frida: well more or less.

Agnetha: what happens to you?

Frida: I've been doing something on Benny's back!

Agnetha: something? —She asked confused,— something like what?

Frida: the thing is that I'm about to adopt Mona's son, his name is Ludvig and he's beautiful, she doesn't want him, and one day she called me and I went to her apartment, she proposed it to me and I I couldn't  say no... I don't  want to be like her and reject this poor and helpless little angel.

Agnetha's eyes widened, couldn't  believe what she had just heard, what was going through Frida's head?

Frida: but Benny doesn't  know and I really don't  know how to tell him.

Andante, Andante.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora