He began to move and then sat down once he reached my bed so I was straddling him. I ran my hands down the front of his shirt and he grabbed them, intertwining them with his own. Never breaking the kiss, he flipped us over so that I was lying on my back and started to pull my shirt up. We aren't doing this

“No.” I gasped, breaking the kiss.

He rolled his eyes but sat next to me. The only sound was our heavy breathing. “You should leave.” I managed to say.

“Not until you’re mine.” He said, grabbing my hand.

“What are you saying?” I asked.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He mumbled.

I opened my mouth to speak but my ringtone started blaring throughout the room. Zayn found my phone before I did and his expression changed. He clenched his jaw and stood up, pacing around the room.

“Give me my phone!” I demanded.

The music stopped and Zayn sat my phone down on the dresser next to him.

“Skylar I’m going to ask you once and I expect to know the truth.” He said lowly, as if the past ten minutes never happened.

“Ask me what?” I rolled my eyes.

“Why is Harry calling you right now?” He asked, trying to remain calm.

“I don’t know.” I squeaked.

“Don’t test my patience. Why?” He spat, gritting his teeth.

“We’re friends.” I mumbled.

Zayn’s whole demeanor has changed. He looked pissed, scary even.

“No you aren’t. Harry doesn’t have friends. Is that why you said no?” He said furiously.

“You need to calm down. Harry and I are friends, if even that.” I defended.

“You’re lying.” He lashed out. I slid back, hitting the headboard of the bed. “Skylar, is everything okay?” Nick called out from outside of my door.

“Yes.” I choked out.

“Who is in your room?” Nick asked curiously.

“Nick I’m fine.” I sighed.

“Skylar.” He warned.

The door to my room swung open and Nick stood in front of me, blocking Zayn.

“Why are you here?” He sneered.

“This is between Skylar and myself.” Zayn replied coolly.

“Like hell it is. You of all people have no right to even be in the same room as her!” Nick snapped.

“Listen, Zayn and I, we have something going on between us. It’s okay.” I explained to my brother.

He was hesitant before leaving, glaring at Zayn the entire time.

Zayn grabbed my arm and yanked me out of my room, down the steps and into his black sports car.

“Where are we going?” I questioned.


I reached into my pocket, only to realize I didn’t have my phone and that terrified the shit out of me. “H-how was your day?” I asked.

“Now isn’t the time.” He snapped, pressing his foot harder on the gas. I felt sick to my stomach. I squeezed my eyes shut and took my bottom lip between my teeth.

“Please stop.” I whimpered.

His eyes met mine and his features softened. The car slowed down suddenly and I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with air. “Sky, I’m sorry.” Zayn breathed, resting his hand on my thigh. I jumped, shocked by his touch and he jerked his hand away.

“N-no it’s okay. It just startled me.” I told him, grabbing his hand. I played with his fingers while he drove and the car stopped in front of a large house. It was smaller than Zayn’s but it was still pretty nice.

“Stay in the car, okay?” He told me.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“Visiting a friend. Don’t get out of the car Skylar.” He repeated.

“Okay.” I nodded.

“No, I’m serious. Do not get out.” He warned.

“Okay.” I sighed, rolling my eyes.

He stepped out of the car, closing the door softly. I watched him disappear behind the house and I rested my head on the seat.

Zayn’s been gone for what seems like forever. I wouldn’t know, seeing as he has my phone. I attempted to open my door, only to find out that it’s locked. I’m going to kill him.

I unlocked the door multiple times, seeing if that would help and it didn’t. He locked me in.

I jumped over the console and attempted to open Zayn’s door. It opened and I smiled to myself until I was eye level with Zayn. I gasped and held my breath. “Dammit Skylar.” He groaned. I slid back over into the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on.

The door closed and the engine roared to life. I watched him from the corner of my eye, hoping he wouldn’t snap.

He gripped the steering wheel extremely tight, clenching and unclenching his jaw. “Where are we going?” I asked, breaking the silence.

He glanced over at me and then continued watching the road.

This silence has lasted for over fifteen minutes and it’s driving me insane. “Stop the car!” I yelled.

He slammed on breaks and stopped the car. I didn’t even attempt to open the door again, instead, reaching my arm out of the window and opening it that way. I slammed the door shut behind me and started to walk in the direction we were headed.

“Get back in the car.” Zayn demanded from behind me.

“No thanks.” I muttered, continuing to walk.

“Skylar, will you please get in the fucking car.” He asked, taking deep breaths.

“Don’t talk to me like that.” I frowned.

“Will you please get in the car?” He repeated, nicer this time.

“No.” I said.

It all happened too quickly; my feet were no longer on the ground and I was being put back inside of Zayn’s car.

“Take me home.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. The car began to move again, but I closed my eyes, falling into a deep slumber.

A/n: Things are about to get very very interesting. Hopefully you all are having a splendid week! Please please please vote and comment! It would mean the world to me. I'll update soon! Ilyasm x

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