|83| ~ The Warning~

Start from the beginning

"But why me," I question her.

Aurora flashes that inhumanly beautiful smile of hers. "I already told you, dear. You're the chosen one."

"But what does that mean Aurora," I question her, not bothering to hide my frustration. After, everything that I've seen and learned. I still feel blinder than a bat. Not to mention, she constantly talks in riddles. Chosen on this, and chosen on that. Can someone please cut me some slack?

"The energy to heal the world can be obtained through love," she explains without really explaining anything at all. As I told you before, love is a force as powerful and as strange as the power of the emerald."

"I still,"

"Once you blood mother past away," she interrupts me."I carried the two of you in my very own womb. The memory of the time she is speaking about plays before our eyes. "I carried you and your twin brother from the year 2040 and birthed you in the year 2163."

I gasp, "Impossible,"

"I told you that nothing is impossible, Claire," scolds Aurora. "A witch's pregnancy isn't like a human's pregnancy. Our pregnancy can last over a century if need be," she explains.

I remember one of the witches saying that to Aurora on the day when my mother died. "Did my brother survive the birth," I ask the question, I been holding back, too afraid to learn the truth? I don't think I really want to know, even if he did make it there's no telling if he is still alive. We entered the world way after the Awakening. As we all know, these are dangerous times for humans, especially males.

"Yes," she answers me. The memory of the time when she was pregnant with us continues to flicker. "I believe you have already met him," she says, stopping me in my tracks.

I lean my head over to one side. "Met....,"

"His name is Alec," she answers my obvious question. "He was assigned to the vampire the King Cyrus Kingdom when it was time for him to be auction off. Wait! What?! Alec! She couldn't be speaking about, who I'm thinking about, could she? My shifts back to the time when I first met Alec, the slave.

*Flash Back*
He is smoking hot. He looks like he's around twenty-three or twenty-four, mid-twenties for sure, but he maybe younger, with a face of a god. His golden blond hair is somewhat similar to my rose gold shade. Maybe, it's just a few shades darker, but that's not what gains my attention. No, not at all! It's his eyes. They stop me right in my tracks! They resemble my own. I feel like I'm staring at my male version of myself in the mirror.

His unique green shades shock my soul

*Flash Back Over.*

"No, impossible!" I blurt out, holding back my sudden urge to puke.

"I told you, child, nothing is impossible," says Aurora. "Don't worry about the physical attraction you felt towards him. It's the bond! Just look at it as your soul recognizing your other half."

Omg! I think I'm about to faint.

Suddenly Aurora froze. Her eyes glowed, like a night light, I know that look. She is having another vision.

Oh, no! No not right now, she doesn't. I touch her shoulder in an attempt to snap her out of it. "Aurora what were you saying about my brother," I shake her.

"He is in danger," she says out loud. "They all are in danger! It has begun."
Nicklaus POV.

The other vampire's Kings, crouches down, ready to attack. Lady Gwen and Master Azazel follow their lead.

My mother, Xander, and I on the other hand remain cool. She is wearing a crown. A crown that belongs to the future Queen...

My mother and her fuckery.

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now