|83| ~ The Warning~

Start from the beginning

"What are we up against, Luscious" I get straight to the point. He throws a map down onto the table in the center of the room, as we make a circle around the table.

"They have split into four groups," he explained. "This group is the group of Lycans," he points at a red circle that he made on the map. "They will come in from the west, the Lycan Beta is leading them. "This," he says pointing to another red circle. "Is your sister personal guard. She is also commanding the group of vampires she freed against your rule. They are attempting to sneak up behind us and come in from the south."

"So this must be my father's personal guard and the council's army," I point to the circle in the middle. "They are the ones marching down on us in this moment. Am I correct?"

He nods. "The Lycan prince is marching along with them," he explains.

"So, who's leading the fourth group," Xander speaks," his eyes are searching the entire map.

Luscious body visibly goes stiff. I can see the hesitation swimming around inside of his eyes. "Who is it," I am the one to question him now.

"It's yours,"

"Mother," a familiar voice says from behind us all.

We all turn around, only to find Lady Gwen, Master Azazel, and no one other than my mother.
Claire POV.

I'm still here, now standing in the middle of the clearing. After, the last memory disappeared no other memory surfaced. I'm numb.

I'm in shock. I still can't believe that my mother saw me, let alone spoke to me. Her last words couldn't have really been for me. "It's impossible,"

"Nothing is impossible, Claire," a voice suddenly says from behind me. I turn around and come face to face with Aurora. The drop-dead gorgeous, pinked-cheeked, enchanting faced, raven hair radiant green eyes witch, who has done so much for my family. She's staring at me with sympathetic eyes. The same way she stared at all of my ancestors before me.

Without thinking, I threw myself into the security of her warm embrace. She welcomes me with open arms, and strokes her hands through my hair gently, being the anchor of my comfort just like she has been to so many other women who shared the blood that flows through me. I can't stop my tears from falling. This is what I need right now.

"Why did you bring me here just to watch her die," I question her with a broken voice. "I don't understand the point.

She slightly pulls away from me and lifts my chin with a single finger. "You needed to know where you came from, so you can know where you're going, my dear," Aurora says to me. "You needed to see that you come from a line of powerful women. You needed to understand that you are truly the blessing that came from generations of the cursed."

"I still don't understand," I admit, tears continue to flow like a river down my cheeks.

Aurora's posture straightens as she lets go of my chin. Her eyes scan me up and down, and then they settle onto my stomach for a brief second before they make their way back up to my face. "Come, my child," she instructs, walking off without another word. My feet seemed to be glued in place, the way she just analyzed me was kind of unsettling.

"Come," she calls out, now standing on the other side of the clearing. "They are coming,"

"Who's coming," I ask, suddenly able to move my feet again. She ignores me and continues to walk into the forest around the clearing. Her memories start to dance along with the shadows of the trees as I catch up to her.

"You were created by the human that came from many cursed women, who held no fear. You were blessed by a coven of the world's most dangerous witches. You were carried and birth by the world's most powerful witch to ever exist. You were Chosen, Claire."

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now