Chapter 50

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~ Drake's pov~

James and Aurora sat side by side in a huge table surrounded by James's family. While friends and distant relatives sat in other smaller tables. The servants and maids passed around champagne drinks, it was time for the toast. *cling cling cling* a blonde woman stood up. "I would like to take the time to make a toast and honor my son's biggest accomplishment. His victory against our biggest enemy, the 'Blood Moon Pride' pack." Oh shit. I looked at Florian while we heard everyone through the mirror cheering and -clinging- their glasses. "My son, the werewolf hunter destroyed the biggest, strongest werewolf pack there was," Florian began to scratch his nails on the wood and breathe uneven. "He killed their alpha and decapitated their beta," now Florian began to growl and show his fangs, standing in a defensive position. "No pack is stronger than our king!" All the vampires in the ball began to cheer. "try killing me now you filthy whore!" Florian said in a scary voice before howling at the top of his lungs. We watched as everyone in the mirror started to question where the noise was coming from. Josh instantly covered his mouth stopping him from howling any longer. "shut up! you'll give away Alaric if James comes up here!" he whispered to him. Florian then became quiet. But all these vampire had already heard, it was to late.

~ Aurora's pov~

I heard howling coming from upstairs, so did everyone else as everything got quiet and people began to listen my first thought was Florian. I had to distract them. What to do, what to do, was all I could think of. Then I had a plan! I stood up and -clinged- my glass. "I, I would like to make a toast!" Everyone turned back around to face me. "um, he-hello, my name is Aurora and I would like to make a toast for my, fiancé." I gulped hard, regretting this plan but it had to be done.

~ Drake's pov~

Aurora stood up to make a toast. Thank god she did because the attention from Florian was taken away and now all eyes were on her. " That day I saw James walking down those halls in high school I knew he was the one for me," she chuckled while everyone else went 'aww' "we were always together until one day we had a little, break up, but thanks to that break up I met a lot of people I love today." I smiled and so did she as she stared down at her cup.

~ Aurora's pov~

I smiled as I thought about Drake and these past months how happy he's made me. "He never gave up on me. And that's what I like most about him. Whenever I was sad he somehow managed to make me happy. He is the only person that makes me complete, He always makes me laugh even at the worse times, and he helped me forget all that anger I had raging inside of me. Being with him is an adventure. He loved me even when I didn't love myself. These past few days have really been, something," I giggled thinking about Florian and this run away from James. " But he taught me to love. and thats why, I, I love him." It stayed quiet for a moment until everyone began to cheer.

~ Drake's pov~

Is that really how she feels about James? It broke my heart when she said 'I love him' So that means she really doesn't love me? Well she's never said it. I guess all the fancy dresses, and drinks got to her. I shook my head getting the thought that she doesn't love me out of my mind. Of course she does, I know she does.

I payed attention to what was going on in the ball then I heard people chanting 'kiss! kiss! kiss! kiss!' I gulped hard expecting the worse and then James stood up caressing her neck gently and holding her waist kissing her passionately. I couldn't watch anymore. I threw the mirror against the floor smashing it to bits watching the enchantment leave. "no!" Florian and Josh yelled watching the mirror on the floor in bits. I lowered my head into my knees and felt a tear run down my cheek. They say if you break a mirror its 7 years bad luck, but I think this was bad enough.

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