Chapter 42

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The wolf pranced up automatically wagging his tail. "oh my god can this happen?!" Josh was in utter shock. "this is incredible!" I cheered while the wolf howled. "just a moment there Florian." Alaric said. "here, this will help you communicate with us." She put a blue collar with flashing lights around his neck. "try to speak." Alaric said. "well what do I say- oh boy listen to that! I speak!" Florian said. He sounded exactly like the boy I met in the woods when I traveled back in time. It was firm yet gentle . "Well why are you here?" Josh jumped straight to the question. You could see he was still a little tense with a wolf around. " Your friend Alaric went back in time and warned me of what was happening in the future. And I heard it was the crowning of Jakobus Petrovic. So I've come to the future to gain revenge for the harm he has caused me and my pack. "thank you so much for helping us Florian." Drake said. Florian bowed his head as if saying 'you're welcome'

Drake and Josh were silent in the car ride except for Florian and I who couldn't shut up since we were learning anything and everything about each other. When we got back to the house Josh went up to his room without a word while Drake and I said goodnight to Florian who was gonna sleep in the couch. "I don't think he likes him." Drake said laying in bed next to me staring at the ceiling. "They'll learn to get along eventually." was all I could say hoping for my words to come true. I rolled over to my side and fell asleep.

"Aurora!" The name blasted in my ear. I looked up quickly scared something happened and realized it was just Florian who was standing over me. "I apologize for frightening you, but I cannot whisper with this widget around my neck." I nodded my head and looked at the clock which read 1:49am. "so what is it." I looked at the wolf. " I need to speak to you in private." He said, loudly. "alright! alright! just stop talking before you wake Drake up." I whispered. "ok." He said. Forgetting I just told him to shut up. I grabbed my sweater and walked outside to the backyard with him.

We walked into the forest starting our conversation. "so whats up?" I said looking at him. He looked ahead until he turned to face me and said "nightfall?" He said. I forgot that slang wasn't used in the 1500s. "I mean what did you want to talk to me about?" I said. He sat down under a tree where the view of the stars were perfect. "Jakobus has chosen you to be his queen," I nodded my head looking at him as he kept staring at the stars. "when the day comes of coronation, he will find you. And he will crown you his queen. And I don't know if they'll be any going back once he gives you 'the drink of pepromeno' or 'drink of destiny, they say that once you take a sip of that, you'll be gone forever, you'll forget your mortal side, you'll be a pure vampire and I'll you'll how to do is kill and rule. While Josh, Drake and I would just be executed. By you." I stopped breathing for a second. " by me?" He nodded. "no, I would never kill Josh or Drake or anyone! I won't do it!" tears began to merge in my water line. "don't worry Aurora I have just the plan to kill Jakobus before coronation day." He looked back at me. "you do?" He nodded. "oh yes, yes indeed."

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