Chapter 31

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     "wow, that's sad." Drake said. "it is but look was she sacrificed for us, she made a tree for us for people to find their way." She smiled and looked at me. "well queen Dawn, you've come to explore your roots?" I looked down. "that's not my name." I whispered. "but it is, your name is Aurora isn't it? Daughter of Livana, the moon goddess. Am I not correct." I stayed quiet. "you have to face the truth. Your fate lies in the prophecy and it is inevitable to avoid marrying king Jakobus," my head shot up along with Drake and Josh. She looked around at all of us. "we were on the same topic correct?" She said confused. "yes but who is, Jakobus?" She gave me a confused look. "Jakobus Petrovic, the soon to be king?" I looked at Josh then back to Alaric. "no no, his name is James Petrovic." I corrected. She shook her head and stood up turning to where the racks of bottles and books were and grabbed a thick wine color dusty book and placed it on the table. She flipped through pages and grabbed her glasses pointing to a paragraph in the book. "what's this?" Josh said. "the book of Legends." She gave it to me but the book was in german. Josh got it and started reading. " werewolves and vampires have always had their differences and disagreements and both settled it in war. But along the lines came a very powerful werewolf hunter by the name Jakobus Petrovic," Josh lifted his head to look at me.  My mouth was dropped open. "Jakobus Petrovic has been a legend for slaying the undefeatable alpha of the blood moon pride pack.." He stopped a second and his jaw dropped open. "This dates back all the way to 270 BC!" I stood up in shock. "are you saying I dated someone who is about 300 years old?!" I swear I was about to throw up in my mouth, while Alaric was laughing her ass off. She stood up infront of me. "come," she held my hand and brought me over to where the waterfall was. I sat down infront on it looking down at the water seeing the fish swim around and around. "after this all your questions shall be answered." She pulled out a little clear bottle with a purple liquid in it. She let a drop of the purple liquid out into the water, I watched the ripples of the water largen and largen and the fish began to blur out and the water went dark and all of a sudden I was in a dark forest. What in the world did this lady do to me.

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