Chapter 3

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~ Aurora's pov~

I woke up on the floor with a pounding headache. It was day, so I must have fainted last night. My phone began to buzz. I looked at it and saw an instagram notification. With a picture of me holding on to my neck dripping blood. Man my eyes were bloodshot too! I looked like shit! I looked at the caption under the picture they tagged me in and I saw one of my friends, Joseph write. "this crazy bitch popped to many molly's last night!" With a 'crying of laughter' emoji. "uhh" I grunted to myself. Then I noticed something. The date on my phone said 'July, 9 ' "what the hell?! I've been knocked out for 3 days?!" I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. Damn I looked hideous, I had bags under my eyes and was super pale. Also I was starving, and I had a huge dry blood splatter all over my neck. I touched the spot that James sucked the living life out of me, and it didn't hurt so much. I cleaned the dry blood off and saw two deep holes in my neck. like if someone stuck a needle into my neck and twisted them around, except these holes were twice the size of a needle. I don't know what James was trying to do last night, I don't know if it's a new sexual style to jab a chunk of people skin out, but i did not like it. I put some bandages on my neck, put on some pajamas and walked down stairs furious at my parents for not waking me up or at least laying me on the bed.

I walked downstairs and stopped in the middle of the stair case and saw my dad in the same place I left him 3 days ago, downstairs in the couch reading the newspaper. I cleared my throat trying to catch his attention. He didn't look. I walked more steps downstairs. I cleared my throat more forceful this time. He glanced over the newspaper only showing his eyes. I gave him a 'wtf' look. he lowered the newspaper angrily. "what do you want money? here," he threw some money on the floor. I got so furious at that point. "How dare you throw money at me like if I was some kind of prostitute?!" I lowered my eyebrows and put my hands on my hips. "well aren't ya?" I heard him whispred so lowly not even a cat could hear him, so how did I? "I'm your daughter! why do you treat me like if I was such a horrid beast?! I've been In my room for 3 days fainted on the floor!" my mother walked in with a pasteries pan and some brownies offering my father. "ofcourse we noticed sweetheart, but we didn't want to interrupt your meditation, I know you young hipsters love to do all that wierd stuff, right?" she smiled brightly. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?" they both looked up in shock. "I've been laying on the floor for three days and this is the fucking excuse you guys come up with?!" I threw my hands up in surrender. "i'm done. I'm done with this stupid family." I walked up stairs and got one of my luggages and packed my clothing and books. I began to cry. My life is so fucking meaningless. My parents are so ashamed of me, they don't love me. Theirs nothing more painful than that. I don't know where I'm going but I'm leaving. I went to my parents room which is right across the hall from mines and went through all their drawers and stole their money, I counted throughly and counted up to 1,300 dollars. that was good enough. Looks like they're not gonna need this since they're giving it to their 'precious daughter'. I changed my clothing, putting on some high waisted denim shorts and a yellow blouse on with my beainie and white converse. I climbed out my window since I know my parents would call the cops if they saw me leaving. I ran down to my mustang and said my goodbyes. "bye old room, bye old house, fuck off people I call mom and dad." and I drove off.

I'ts been a whole week since I left my old house and I moved into this little apartment and got a job at Wendy's. Yup it felt good living like a normal person. Yeah I missed my old stuff but I could never go back there. "ouch!" their it goes again. my neck is always hurting along with my stomach. I've put so many products on it and the pain won't go away. And i've been having these strange occurances happen lately everytime I walk near a person a lovely smell enters my nose, it smell delicious. And they look at me with strange, scared faces. "I think I just need some fresh air, that's all." -

It felt like I was walking for hours but I didn't mind. I walked into a near by forest that was around my apartment, I wasn't scared in fact I liked the smell of nature and hearing all the birds sing. though time went by so fast I never noticed that night time hit, now I was a little scared. I ran to the direction I thought I came in but I couldn't find my way. Then the most alluring smell entered my nose. I looked around to see where it was coming from and then I saw a gazelle. She was so beautiful I just wanted to get near her. I began to walk closer to the deer and wonderful smell became more powerful. It was coming from the deer. I couldn't hold back any longer I wanted that animal! I tackled it and began to sink my teeth into it. hmm it felt so good. I kept devouring the poor animal swallowing all of it's blood. Blood. Blood! that's when I came to my senses I stepped back from the poor animal and saw blood drip down from it's neck. I touched my lips and looked back at my fingers. Blood was all over my hand. "wh-what is going on with me?" I had to get out of here. I ran and ran and finally I saw my apartments from far away. I cleaned the blood off my face with my shirt. I tried not to make any eye contact with anyone what so ever. I had a lot of thinking to do.

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