Chapter 20

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     ~ Drake's pov~

     I felt bad for what I said yesterday. I didn't really understand the struggles she was going through. We went walking since the ice cream shop 'Lili's delights' was like 6 blocks away. We kept on joking around, making each other laugh. "you have a bug right here." She poked my chest. I looked down at she ran her finger up my face. She laughed her ass off. "oh yeah? Well you have a 21 year old boy right here!" I swooped her over my shoulder making her laugh and punch my back. We laughed and laughed. I put her down and we stared into each others eyes and I just wanted to kiss her so bad. But then i saw the sign behind her. "what is it?" She asked. My mouth was dropped open. I pointed behind her.

     ~ Aurora's pov~

     I turned around to find a picture of me plastered on a light pole. I stared at the picture long and hard. I remember that day, it was last Thanksgiving when i was wearing my yellow sun dress with my hair in a braid. My uncle Joshua took the picture. Man i love that guy. He always brought presents whenever he would come to visit, which was barely since he lives all the way in Arizona. I pulled the picture off the post and stared at it. "they're looking for you." Drake said quietly. I rolled my eyes but said nothing even though i was thinking 'no shit Drake, they just put a missing picture of me on the post so everyone sees what a beautiful daughter they have' "don't worry about it we'll figure everything out." Drake smiled at me. I folded the picture and put it in my pocket and we went for some ice cream.

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