Chapter 11

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     Drake's pov~

     Aurora fainted in my arms. "Aurora!" I shook her roughly. Harder and harder until I realized she's not gonna wake up this way and i'm only gonna kill her or somethin'. I layed her head on the pillow and rushed to the refrigirator. "are you fucking kidding me?!" I searched and searched but couldn't find anything that might have some blood. Shit! I grabbed my keys off the table and ran out the door to the supermarket. I hopped on the truck and drove at 70 miles per hour. I literally threw  myself out of the truck when I parked, and ran into Publix. I ran through all the aisles until I went to the back and found the meats. I grabbed four packets of meat and rushed towards the cashier skipping everyone. "excuse me mrs., but i'm in a crisis and I really need to go." She looked at me then back to the person behind me. It was a young blonde teenage girl paying for some, pads. "can I skip you please." I said really quickly. "hmm" shes smiled while twirling her hair. The older woman in her early 50s scanned the meats patiently while I was hurried to get back to the house. "your total is $12.47." She said chewing gum. I took out my wallet, payed, and ran out of there.

     I nervously opened the door and ran into the room and saw Marmaduke lying next to the still unconcious Aurora. I ran back to the kitcken opened the packet containing the bloody meat. How do I did this shit? Whatever I grabbed a cup and squeezed the blood into the cup. "ugh, gross. How does she like this shit?" I looked away from the animal blood dripping into the cup. I ran back to the room with the cup of blood in my hand. I lifted her head up and poured just a little bit of blood down her throat. I watched as some blood slipped through the corner of her lips and I wiped it off in a second she opened her eyes pitch black and jumped and attacked my arm that I held the cup of blood in. I dropped the cup rubbing my wrist since she almost ripped it off. But she caught it. I looked down at my wrist and saw claw marks. I looked back up at her terrified. She drank the blood quickly with her back facing me. She set the empty cup down on the floor and stood up off of the floor with her back still facing me. She looked down at her hands and I heard her gasp. She turned back around to face me and her black lifeless eyes still showed a emotion of scared. "what's happening to me?"

     I stood up from the bed carefully, making sure she wouldn't go nuts again attacking me and shit, and walked over to her. But she ran towards the bathroom and locked the door behind her. "wait!" I banged on the door. "Aurora open the door!" I yelled out. "no! go away!" I heard her sobbing. I sighed and sat down against the door waiting for her to come out.-

     I woke up when I felt my head bob against the floor. I looked up and saw Aurora with worry knitted eyebrows and a fake smile on her face. I stood up and saw her black eyes were gone and replaced with the color gray.  But they were red and puffy from crying. She threw a smirk at me as I still stared at her sad eyes and she turned back around to face the mirror. " I don't know what's happened to me? I used to be a girl who was so free spirit and had so much fun and now look at me, drinking blood every five minutes or falling unconcious without it." She faked a chuckle. "don't worry i'm gonna help you." I turned her around to face me. She looked down to the floor. I lifted her head "head up princess, your tiara is falling." She giggled and punched my arm playfully.

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