Chapter 41

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My heart began to race uncontrollably. Josh stood there motionless next to Drake. The thing under the quilt began to move and get bigger and closer. I crawled back, to scared to get up. The quilts began to fall off the object revealing the wolf. It's eyes grey and teeth were sharp it came close to my face and I put a hand out to stop it from coming any closer while I closed my eyes shut not wanting to see the next part. A couple seconds passed and I was surprised I was still alive. I looked at the wolf, with it's head tilted to the left looking at me in wonder. He got closer to me, his snout almost touching my nose. He suddenly puffed out air from his nose, the wind aiming towards my face. Then he sneezed, wagged his tail, and began panting with his tongue out. He was kinda cute. Like when you have that puppy that you have to hide from your mom because she doesn't want him inside because he's so clumsy, yeah he looked like that type of wolf.

"how is he, alive?" Drake asked shitting bricks. "He reincarnated." Alaric said. " you mean resurrect?" I stood up shaking myself off and backing away from the wolf which was now sitting down still looking at me with his tongue out. "No, I mean reincarnation. Take a good look at him Aurora." I stared at the wolf and got closer. The wolf closed his mouth making a permanent smirk like feature. His gray eyes were bright and glazed. His eyes looked so familiar, but from where? thats when it hit me. "Florian?"

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