Chapter 47

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~ Aurora's pov~

Three days have passed and I was 'finally getting out today'. I haven't eaten, slept or even taken a shower in three days. I've been so depressed of whats going to happen on the wedding day. I'm terrified i'm forced to kill my family. and not even be able to feel guilty about it. My eyes have been red and puffy the whole time since I haven't been able to stop crying. I buried my head into my knees and began to cry once again. Until I heard the cell door creak open. I looked up quickly and saw two small, frail, pale woman standing behind the cell. They had matching uniform and had neat low buns on. They were maids. "um, my queen?" one of them said in a low delicate voice. I shook my head and buried my head into my knees once more without moving. "I am not your queen, I am Aurora." I said. "yes, you are our queen!" they bowed their heads. "you must come with me my queen," The words 'my queen' echoed in my head. "as your queen I order you to call me Aurora." I said. They both nodded. I stood up and followed them.

We entered a beautiful room. the walls were white with a small chandelier hanging from the ceiling, The bed was big itself with a elegant backboard and yellow covers. "whos room is this?" I asked. "yours and the kings my lady." They both giggled. I stayed quiet but the anger inside me was beginning to fuel. "why am I here?" I asked. "the king has asked us to prepare you for the grand ball celebrating your marriage!" They cheered. They probably had no idea the history James and I had. I nodded and went along with it since yesterday James came to my cell to threaten me that if I didn't behave today at the ball he would kill Drake.

The servants pulled out a beautiful strapless, long bright red dress that was im beaded with rhinestones from the top and fading as it got to the bottom of the dress. "it's beautiful." I said amazed. "yes it is, it was the mistresses, she was saving it for the kings mate, and now we've found her!" I showed a fake smile yet the thought saddened me that I couldn't be with my real mate. "come on, let's try on the dress!" they walked me to the bathroom.

~Drake's pov~

Well on the bright side to all of this Florian and Josh finally get along now. While Alaric and I haven't talked for 3 days. Today is suppose to be the ball. I'm scared for Aurora, I hope she's okay. All of a sudden Alaric gets up and walks in front of us. We all react in the same way. " oh my god how did you do that?!" I said "what the hell?!" Josh said while Florian just gasped. She pulled out the shape shift key. I got so angry, if I were a vampire in this moment I would probably be scarier than Dracula himself. "YOU HAD THE KEY THE WHOLE TIME?! WE WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SAVE AURORA DAYS AGO!" I just wanted to attack her so bad. "calm yourself Drake, the situation would have been worse if Jakobus had come up here and see we're missing along with Aurora he would have killed us the second he found us again, and he would find us again." I sighed and leaned back against the wall. She had a point. "well at least get us out of here!" Josh said, she shook her head. "I know how to teleport from place to place without getting caught. I'll spy on her and I'll leave you guys this for you to see exactly what I see. She pulled out a small mirror from her cloak and handed it to me. Then she pulled out a small bottle with a shimmery substance in it and sprinkled it on herself. She slowly started fading away becoming invisible. "can you see me?" we shook our head. "great!" then she pulled out another bottle with the same substance but it was blue instead. Jeez this woman's cloak held more stuff than marry poppins bag. As the bottle floated in the air it started to pour the shimmery substance in a circle on the floor. "see you guys later." we heard her say. and then it got quiet. She was gone.

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