Chapter 49

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I walked down the hall with a maid by each side until we stopped in front of two big white and gold doors. "here we go." I said to myself. each maid opened a door and I walked into the huge ball. All the pale people with red eyes stopped to stare at me. I heard different people whisper 'yes thats her!' or 'it's the queen of dawn!' I walked through everyone until someone grabbed my hand and spun me around revealing James. He held me close to his body with his hands around my waist. "you look beautiful." he said. I nodded and fake smiled. He walked me over to a couple that looked a lot like him. "Aurora, these are my parents Persia and my step father Arnold," The man was tall and pale yet had stunning green eyes unlike Persia who had red eyes. He had black hair with a few gray hairs here and there. He had a serious face which made him look mad, unlike Persia she had a bright smile on her face and had blonde wavy hair and had James's nose. She was a lot shorter than Arnold yet was like one inch taller than me, and i'm like 5'6. "a pleasure to meet our future daughter in law." She hugged me. So far everything was going well.

~ Drake's pov~

We watched as Alaric stood at a distance from Aurora. I've never seen such beauty in one soul. "wow, she looks, beautiful." Josh said. I nodded.

"she is beautiful, but now she's just, wow." was all I could say. I heard how Aurora was being introduced to James's parents. After, James asked her to dance and I swear I was about to explode. He held her so close to his body, and I haven't had the chance to hold her like that yet. I was mad.

~Aurora's pov~

All I could think about was Drake. I just wanted to run into his arms and never leave his warmth. But instead I was in the arms of another. I sucked my lips in and closed my eyes wanting not to cry. But it was so hard.

~ James's pov~

She looked so stunning. She always has been, from the moment I saw her in high school I new she would be mine. I just never pictured it in this situation. I didn't even know she was the daughter of the moon goddess, my parents found out themselves when I told them about the girl I was madly in love with. They told me I had to turn her vampire and she would be the girl I would marry. To be honest I never even planned on turning her vampire. I even tried distancing myself from her or getting her to hate me by me being rude to her, flirting with other girls and ignoring her. But she just never gave up on me. I tried to get her to leave because I knew she would hate me after I transformed her, I left her not knowing how to explain the situation to her, I figured she would find out herself. But then she met that Drake guy, he ruined my plans completely. But at least he made her happy. I love her, and I care for her happiness, even if I have a funny way if showing it.

I saw her gray eyes which meant sadness with tears near her waterline,

she would give the plan away if someone saw her cry. I smiled at her and she got the message smiling. I wish I could make her happy, but I needed to do this for my parents.

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