Chapter 28

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      Me and Drake had to share a room. But don't worry i slept on the bed and he slept on the floor. I think Josh gave us the room since he thinks we're a couple. But are we? I rolled over to my side looking at the alarm clock that said 12:01pm. I kept thinking about everything and just couldn't fall asleep. I guess Drake wasn't asleep either hearing all the rustling of the covers. "what's wrong?" I heard him say from the floor, even though i couldn't see his face. "I can't fall asleep." He climbed to the foot of the bed. "what's up?" I sat up on the backboard. The moonlight gleamed on his face showing his green eyes. "James, he knows where I am. What if one day he comes after me. He's stronger than me, what if, what if-" i couldn't put into words what I was feeling. He scoot closer pulling me to his shirtless chest. Oh and since we're in the same room i am wearing clothing so don't worry about it lol.

     "it's okay he's never gonna lay a finger on you as long as I'm here." Tears began to form. What if James kills Drake? The thought literally depressed me. "but Drake he's a vampire. And a king! He's more powerful than any of us-" he giggled. "and you are a queen. And the most powerful one of all at that fact. He wants you because he knows that you are more powerful than he is. We'll beat this asshole, together." I felt him smile over me. I noded. He stood up and went back to where he was sleeping. I crawled back into a little ball with my covers, i missed his touch. "Drake?" I said. "yeah?" He replied. "can you, can you come sleep with me?" I felt myself blush. I heard the rustling of covers infront of me. I kept starring at the alarm and my back went cold when the covers lifted behind me and the weight on the left side of the bed got heavy. He got close to me and i scooted even closer. I grew the balls to ask the question. "Drake?" I asked once again. "mhm." I heard him hum. "what are we?" I shut my eyes waiting for him to respond. "whatever you want us to be." I lifted myself turning to face him. "well what is that suppose to mean?" He had his hands behind his head leaning against the backboard with his eyes closed. "what do you think we are?" He kept his eyes closed. "well, i mean," i fiddled with my hair. "i mean I like you." I whispered more to myself. I kept looking down fiddling with my hair. Till I felt my head lift when his hand lifted my chin, crashing our lips together. It was a long passionate kiss until i felt his tongue slide into my mouth wrestling my tongue for dominance. He obviously won when i parted from him when i needed to catch my breath. "so does that awnser your question?" He smirked. I smiled as well going back into his lips for another round. I guess we are together after all.

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