Chapter 17

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     ~ Aurora's pov~

     I looked down at my beaten up converse with my hands between my thighs in the waiting room. The room i was in was small and quiet. Until the white door infront of me opened revealing Drake. I stood up quickly and he frantically started asking questions. "where's Duke? is he okay?" I grabbed his hand. And pulled him to a chair. I didn't want to be the one to tell him this. But i had to. "Drake," my voice cracked and my eyes began to water. I put my head down still rubbing circles against his hand with my thumb. "Marmaduke..Marmaduke didn't survive. The doctors sai-" our hands separated when he stood up. "what do you mean he didn't survive?!" He yelled. "but he was okay when we went to find you?!" I tried talking but he wouldn't listen. "Marmaduke can't be dead?! How did- when?!" He kept running his fingers through his brown hair. "Where is he?" He said with rage in his voice. "the doctors have given you a choice of what to do with his body." I whispered. He bowed his head and slumpt in a chair. "I'll go get the doctors." I walked out.

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