Chapter 37

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After that dream I went to the living room and got 'the book of legends' from the couch and sat at the dining room table and flipped through pages looking for him. I flipped through pages until I finally found him.

Florian Kholer

Florian kholer also known as the alpha of the 'Blood Moon Pride' pack was the strongest alpha of all werewolf at the time since his genes contained werewolf and fox spirit blood. Florian kholer was not the only one with powerful roots, sister Anneliese kholer second head leader of the pack also know as the beta took over leadership of the pack when the alpha was in business. But on January 27 of 1724 the pack was under attack by werewolf hunter/vampire Jakobus Petrovic with other vampires. The alpha died in battle, slayed by Jakobus, and last one to survive was Anneliese Kholer but died in an attempt to kill Jakobus after having witnessed her brothers death. Leaving extinct the Blood Moon Pride pack. (turn to page 1153 to learn more about Jakobus Petrovic)

I sighed leaning back against the chair staring at the book. This wasn't answering any of my questions. I flipped to page 1153.

Jakobus Petrovic vampire and werewolf hunter, Jakobus Petrovic was born around 270 BC. Son of Hector Petrovic and Persia Petrovic, Jakobus came from a long line of leadership. After the kingdom of Fordinal was attacked by a raid of werewolves king Hector died leaving the throne to Jakobus. But since Jakobus was still a child, there was no king, only a widow queen until, only child, Jakobus is at the right age of 2,400 or (20 in human years)-

I stopped to think. 20 right now he's "19" or "2,399" years old. His birthday is on March 17. I grabbed my phone and today was March 5. Only 12 days until he's crowned the king. But I kept reading.

When Jakobus turns 2,400 will be the day that he crowns his wife. The new queen. The moment that day comes, all will have to bow to the new royalties of the new Fordinal.

I gasped covering my mouth with my hand. staring at the words on the book. Suddenly I felt a hard grasp on my shoulder. I screamed jumping turning around and seeing it was just a sleepy Drake. "Jesus, you're gonna give me a heart attack!" I yelled at him. "What are you doing?" He sat next to me. "I had a bad dream." I stared at the book. "about what?" he said. "a boy," He stiffened up. "My brother, my past life brother."

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