Chapter 57

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I clean her body and dry her off. I pay extra special attention to her ears and tail because of how hard it is to dry them off.

"Do you feel better?" I ask Nakkakika while I wrap her in a dry towel.

She nods, a smile on her face.

"Good, I'll have someone bring you some clothes to change into, it should almost be time for breakfast."

I hold her hand while we re-enter my bedroom.

Tieyna isn't in the bed anymore, instead, she is sitting in a chair with the crystal rose in her hands.

I head over to my nightstand and pick up a small device from its surface. The device looks like an earphone, but is much more than that.

It is called an HDS or Hyperphotonic Display System. It's a far more advanced version of the PHC or Portable Holographic Computer.

It's placed on the user's ear and by tapping it, a holographic screen will be displayed in front of the user. The user can interact with display as if it's a solid object. It has thousands of features and functions that prove how advanced it is.

It sells for trillions on the market, but that's only a fraction of the amount of money I make right now.

I own many different businesses and illegal operations. I've staged robberies, assassinations, coups d'etah, elaborate heists, raids, etc. I've influenced elections, covered shady deals, made entire organizations disappear. From these actions, I've gained the title "The Moonlit Raven" because I only operate during the night. In gaining this reputation of mine, I've been able to expand my operations to accommodate more illegal and underhanded deals. But with expansions, more positions required filling, which my servants and followers happily offered to fill.

At the moment, my weekly salary is around $43.7 million, including tax cuts and distributions.

I put the HDS on and bring up the display, a crimson red screen appears before me.

I tap a few time before I arrive at a message board. I type a message asking for two sets of Nakkakika's clothes to be brought up to my room.

"Hey, Tieyna," I say aloud while browsing through some shopping tabs, "if I have time after breakfast, I'll take you to get some new clothes. For now, I'll have you change into one of Nakkakika's outfits."

"Wh- wh~at~?!" Nakkakika yells.

"Calm down, it's only for today." I kneel before Nakkakika.

A few seconds later, someone knocks on my door. I open it, Sylla is standing alone with a pile of folded clothes in her hands.

"Come in." I say calmly.

She enters and I close the door behind her. My stomach growls painfully.

"Can you get Tieyna and Nakkakika dressed? I have to go find something to eat... the Overseer's soul couldn't even have been considered a snack..." I reopened the door and leave the room.

Normally I can go for weeks without having to eat another soul. If I find a very potent soul, I can go for months, but if I find a weak soul, I have to eat another within a day or two. Every once in a while I find a soul that is so weak that it only satisfies my hunger for a few hours.

However, when I eat a soul, I gain the power that the soul had in the prime of their life and the knowledge they gained through their years.

Unfortunately, I've tested a few theories I had, and one of them seemed to be correct. While I am able to access the knowledge of a soul I devoured at any time, I'm unable to access most of the power acquired from the very same soul. I can only access a small percentage of their total power, but all their spells and talents are entirely at my disposal. I still don't know why this is though, and none of my research into the matter have borne any fruit.

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