Chapter 58

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Someone hugged me from behind.

"...please...don't make me leave...not when I finally found you..." Evelyne said quietly. Her voice quivers.

"...Evelyne..." I say calmly, "...let go..."

She tightens her embrace.

"...I won't..." she whispers, "...I'm not going to leave you...not after I found you..."

I don't mind having her around... but will she be useful? That's the real question.

"Then tell me, are you useful to me?" I ask, "I have no reason to let you stay unlike those who live here with me. So tell me, will you be useful to me?"

"..." she remains silent.

"Daddy?" Nakkakika walks over to me, in her hands is the page I'm having her study, "wha~t is~... th~ th~is~... wo~r~d?" She points at one of the words on the paper.

"That word is water." I say gently.

"Wha- Wha-ah~ter~?"

"Yes, water."

"Are you married already?" Richard growled. It seems he is really pissed at me for some reason.

"No, I'm not married." Evelyne loosens her embrace slightly.

"Then why is she calling you her father?"

"Because I am her father, and she is my daughter," I look over my shoulder at him, "if you have nothing important that involves me, then leave and take Evelyne with you."

"...I can be useful..." Evelyne said quietly.

"Oh? Is that so? Then tell me how."

"...I'm a Demon Lord... I have influence and status... I also have knowledge that will be useful to you..."

"I don't care for status or influence. As for knowledge... I know almost everything you know, and you're out matched in magic by someone here," I grab her wrists and pry her arms away from my body... which wasn't very hard to be honest... "if you don't have anything else, leave." I walk back towards the table.

Before I can sit down, I sense Evelyne run towards me again. Within a fraction of a second, Yuki summoned the weapon I requested.

"Purify, Gabriel." I say mid-slash. A blinding light covered the sword, disappearing as fast as it had appeared.

Evelyne has stopped moving, the tip of my blade inches from her throat.

The sword in my hand is completely white with a small glow around it. It's blade is two and a half feet long with smooth curves along its surface. The guard is 1/3 of a foot long and is pointed on each end. The hilt is half a foot long and is wrapped in a clean white cloth. The pummel is pointed.

"Is that a..." Richard asked.

"Heavenly Sword 'Gabriel'. It has the power to purify corruption and heal any wound, however," I use the blade to tilt Evelyne's head up, her eyes locking with mine, "if a demon were to be cut by it... well, let's just say it won't be pleasant," I narrow my eyes.

Richard starts walking towards me.

"I wouldn't recommend moving any further," the butler says to Richard, "it seem that my Master was already in an agitated mood. If you push him any further," his voice deepens dangerously, "you may regret it..."

"That may be a Heavenly Sword, but it's a low tier, it can't hurt me." Richard growls.

"So you know your swords?" I lower 'Gabriel', it disappears in a flash of light, "then tell me about this one... Yato, summon Demon Sword 'Orochimaru'."

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