Chapter 38

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For the next two hours, I have been the center of both Deyxa and Sesena.

Deyxa has been teasing Sesena, while Sesena has been trying to hide the fact that she likes me while her actions reveal it all.

When it came to our next two matches... the opposing teams forfeited... I was really disappointed because I really wanted to divert the twins attention to something else... not going to happen anymore!

On the positive side of this, Sesena seems to have cheered up and is now back to her usual self. She even teases Deyxa back, although it doesn't seem to affect her like it usually does. Deyxa really is true to her feelings isn't she?

To be honest, it's kind of entertaining to see the girls like this, in a way, it reminds me of when me and Lily would bicker back and forth about something.

We would always fight over the dumbest things like who got to sleep where or who got to eat what. You'd think that us maturing would end those pointless fights, well, you thought wrong. I think that it was because we were so close that we fought so much and at the end, we would just laugh it off like it was some kind of joke...

I still can't believe that I won't be able to live with her again... see her yes, but actually live with her, like back then...

No, this is no time to dwell on the past! What's done is done, and nothing can change that.

Well, enough of that. It's about time for my next match.

When my match does come, it was far from hard or long. We were against a team of two melee. It took 30 seconds each to win. Sesena also helped with a few small spells. She felt accomplished afterwards.

I won't tell her that I held back just for her.

Although, this time we don't leave the arena. Instead, we wait for the next team to enter, Rena's team.

This is the final match, so let's take this seriously. I'm going to pull out all the stops.

I won't use my best moves just yet, only when I need to. That means my scythe and feathers are a no go, along with any high tier spells I know. For now I'll stick to the basics like my claws, sword, and wings.

"Let the final round begin!" Syn yells. I haven't even gotten a good look at the team yet!

Someone rushes me, a melee with a sword.

I react quickly and block with mine. Our blades repel each other. Rena glares at me with a blazing hatred as she launches another attack.

I either block or parry her attacks, but never get the chance to counter because I'm also being bombarded with spells and arrows.

When I parry another blow, I get a strange feeling. Like something isn't right...

I take a quick count of their team... four people... wait, weren't there five of them?

I hear something fall behind me, Rena grins.

Oh no...

Not caring about the spells or arrows, I parry another blow and kick with all my current strength at Rena. I catch her by surprise as she slides across the ground for a few feet before stopping.

I turn around and spot the fifth member of Rena's team, standing above a bleeding Sesena. A look of triumph on his face.

"I BEAT ONE!! THAT MEANS WE WIN!!!" He yells. He raises his right hand in the air, in it is a bloodied dagger.

I lower my gaze and very slowly make my way towards him. My bloodlust rising to unbelievable levels.

It's my fault for not protecting her, so I shall repent by... by...

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