Chapter 47

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"Finally, we have a special announcement!" A man yells.

I ready myself for what's to come. I stand from my seat and wait just off stage.

"One of us has shown great dedication towards our work here at Heavenly Reign." I wait anxiously off to the left of the man speaking, behind the curtains where no one can see me. I restlessly try to make sure my hair and wings are presentable. Why am I so nervous?!

I take a deep breath and straighten up.

"They've only been here for three years, but have shown great potential! They have climbed the ranks and have reached a level that most can only dream of!" I begin to walk towards the man. "Please give a round of applause for Lily Victoria Hudnall!"

Everyone claps as I appear on stage. I slowly wave at them as I walk to the man.

"From here on out, Lily, will no longer be a Grand Arch-Angel, but is now a Seraph!" Cheers full the room. I awkwardly smile as I wave. "And as per tradition, every Seraph will receive a new name. This name has always been with us, it's the name given to us by the heavens. By learning this name, we are granted entry into heaven and are recognized as true angels!" The man takes an orb out from his jacket pocket, "Now please, place your hand on the orb and learn your true name."

I do as he says and place my hand on the orb in his hand. I close my eyes and clear my mind, I feel my body slowly fading.

"Now speak your name, speak it with pride and your head held high!"

The world around me disappeared. Sounds fade to silence. The warm touch of the air on my skin turns to the freezing grasp of darkness.

No light can pierce this veil of darkness that surrounds me. My mind, body, and soul drift for what feels like an eternity in this endless void. I can't breathe, I don't need to. I can't see, I don't want to. I can't hear, I don't have to.

It's calming here, but it's also terrifying. Being surrounded by an endless darkness, with no knowledge of where you are or where you're going.

Slowly, a light glows softly in the distance. I reach for it, wanting with all my being to reach it. It grows larger, slowly surrounding me, protecting me. The light warms my skin, countering the cold of the darkness.

A soft voice echoed around me. "Little one... why do you fear the darkness?"

It reminds me of a time before I found my light.

"Why is this light so special to you?"

It saved me from the monsters that lurked in that darkness.

"I see... what do you see when you encounter that darkness now?"

I see the monsters of this world. The evil that plagues our hearts.

"What about your light? Where is it now?"

Gone... taken from me by that darkness.

"What will you do now that your light is gone?"

Hunt down the monster that took it from me.

"What will you do if that monster turns out to be your light?"

That's impossible.

"Hmm...I then, what is your name?" The light around me disappeared, taking the darkness with it as the world returned. Words form in my mind as I take a deep breath.

I exhale, then...

"I am Liliana Ata Zenith, a Seraph!" I yell... silence. No one speaks. Not even the man next to me. Then...

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