Chapter 31

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The floodgates have been opened...

People quickly rush through the doors and spread throughout the first floor.

Many make their way to Syn. These people I focus on as the approach, checking for anything that could be considered a threat.

One small detail I didn't notice till now about this vision of mine... it outlines everything... and I mean EVERYTHING!! I can see the outline of peoples clothes... along with the outline of what's underneath... and what's underneath that...

Some questionable thoughts enter my mind... I banish them immediately. I'm checking for hidden weapons! Nothing more!




I'm glad I'm long past my hormonal teenage years...

The people had nothing on them other then a bag of what I assume is gold coins.

Many ask him questions about his past or private life. Syn, being a somewhat sneaky bastard, lets a few little bits information slip... I forgot to say false, didn't I? My bad...

Some people asked him for recommendations or were looking for a specific item while others were just trying to gain some points with him.

This continues for about six hours. All the while, Syn keeps a calm face and answers every question with a balanced tone.

As I continue to look around I spot something strange. The soul of one of the living seems to be quenched, barely dancing. What's wrong with it?

I watch as the outline of the person it belongs to looks around in panic. They have something in their hands, what is that? It looks like a small orb of some kind.

The person weaves through the crowd as they make their way to the door.

"Master!" Yuki yells in my head. What is it? "Someone is stealing!" An image appears in my head of the thief, it matches the actions and condition of the person I was watching. I instruct Yuki to do something to help identify the man.

I touch my earpiece.

"1-01, 1-02, do you read me?"

[1-01. Loud and clear]

[1-02. Loud and clear]

"Seems we have a thief, look for the man with a small white fox."

[A what?] 1-01 asks.

Someone starts yelling. I watch as a soul bursts into an erratic dance and it's outline freaks out while grabbing at its head.

A smile spreads across my face because on the head of the outline was a small white flame in the shape of a fox.

[Never mind...] 1-01 says.

[Confirming intel now...] says 1-02. Comms go silent, not even the regular position clears were said.

[ORIGIN, do you read me?] a feminine voice says over the comms.

"ORIGIN. Loud and clear" I said.

[I have isolated your lines temporarily. Be sure to tell me next time when you do this again]

"Sorry, still new to this whole thing..."

[Next time just tap twice on the comms system, it will isolate a line with me for requests, clear?]


[1-02 reporting in, suspect has been found and apprehended. In his possession was a level 3 mana converter.] A mana converter?

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