Chapter 33

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We've been on the cruise ship for a little over a week now. It's one of the best things I've ever done!

Syn told me that since we're not working I should just enjoy myself. I did as I was told and I have yet to regret it! Granted I spent a lot of time training Yuki and creating new spells for myself, but I found that I enjoy doing that.

I would oversee Yuki's training routine while experimenting with my own magic. Yuki has improved immensely during this time and I discovered a few new trick I could use, like the fact that I can send all my feathers at a targeted area. What's left of my wings would just be lots of metal blades that could still kinda function as wings. I also learned that I can manipulate the form and shape of my scythe, but what I can do with it is very limited.

We did this routine for about six days before stopping and just enjoying our time here. Yuki would run around the ship and cause some mischief while I would relax in a chair and practice some control over my abilities, like manipulating any shadows around me or practice watching people's souls and detecting those I can't see.

Currently I'm at the indoor bar drinking some wine. It's not as good as the wine I got with my dinner at the shop, but it helped me relax all the same.

The bartender said I'm too young for alcohol, but Syn said otherwise and and I knew otherwise. They didn't question it. Although this is the first time I drank any alcohol while on the ship, today is a special occasion though.

It's two girls birthdays. As of today, they're both turning 16 years old.

From what I was told, they're twins born into slavery that were separated when they were young by two rich families. When they both turned nine years old, Syn had bought one of them from their owner. A few weeks later he bought the other from their owner and introduced the two of them to each other. They were so happy to be back together again and never left each other's side since.

At the moment everyone is just having fun in the bar area while the main party is being held in the ballroom just next door. Although the party hasn't officially started yet so the ballroom is closed until further notice.

"How old are you?" Deyxa asks. Deyxa is the older of the two, well, older by a minute that is. She has long, azure blue hair and light blue eyes. Most the time she's quiet and rarely talks to anyone, but around me is a different story...

"Is there anyone you have a crush on?" Sesena asks. Sesena is the younger of the two but is more social then Deyxa, but Deyxa is smarter then Sesena. She has long, light blue hair and azure blue eyes.

They both look a lot alike, even with their height. They're are about a foot shorter than me but that just adds to their special charm, a charm that only twins can have. In simple terms... it just makes them even cuter.

"Would you two please let the man answer one question before you ask another?!" The bartender yells. I give him a smile, he give me a thumbs up.

""Sorry..."" they both say. They've been asking me questions nonstop for the past hour. I've had a chance to answer a few but only a few.

"It's alright, if the birthday girls want to know more about me then so be it." I shift my wings a bit as I stretch out my back, "I'm 19 years old, soon to be 20 on the 13th of December. No, I don't have a crush on anyone and never have." Their faces light up for a second.

Please don't tell me that these two are one of those people who like me...

They both look at each other then nod. Looking back at me, Sesena asks.

"Out of the two of us, which would you most likely date?" The room becomes silent.

Damn it...

How can I dodge this question? Let's see... THATS IT!!!

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