Chapter 59

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I rush forward, Orochimaru at my side.

The first enemy I near has a shield in front of him, on his hip is an energy pistol. I can't see what is in his hand, but that doesn't matter because when I do a horizontal slash, him, and about 7 people around him, are cut in half. His shield was completely useless.

I continue my momentum and use his severed body to jump high into the air, using my wings to stabilize my flight.

I spin my body and send Orochimaru flying higher into the air, I'll be using it later.

A black mist appears before me, a handle sticking out of it. I grab the handle while still spinning and before I even pull the weapon out, I know exactly what it is.

Demon Sword 'Drea', a two-handed war hammer.

I spin faster as I near the ground and just before I collided with it, I slam the hammer down onto a very unfortunate soldier.

The soldier is turned into paste while a giant crater is created under me. About 100 soldiers near the epicenter were killed instantly, many more were wounded but survived.

The hammer disappears while I grab another handle that appeared. Demon Sword 'Ezra', a spear made for slashing. With wide arching sweeps, I counter and kill any attacking enemies.

It disappears, my next weapon appears. Demon Sword 'Tem', a bow.

I jump off a soldier and into the air. I pull back the string, creating a giant arrow made of my magic.

When I release it, it ruptured the ground and kills another 40 soldiers.

When I land something unexpected happens. I get struck hard in the chest, sending me back into the air. Soon I feel arrows pelt my body, most pierce right through me, but some stop halfway through. An arrow struck my mask, shattering its left side and part of the lower half.

One of my hearts had been pierced.

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"" I whisper when I see Shadow get shot by hundreds of arrows.

In an instant I summon my spirit sword and run towards him, but a girl with white hair stops me. It's the girl that Shadow yelled at about something.

"...don't interfere..." she said while standing in front of me. Her had rested on the hilt of her slim sword.

"BUT HE'S GOING TO DIE!!!" I yell and attempt to pass her using all my speed. She still stopped me. How can she keep up with me at full speed?! Who is she?!

"...he is...getting serious..." she looks back at Shadow, her eyes show a hint of fear.

"How do you know?" I ask while still trying to get past her.

"...he's...smiling..." her voice shakes.

I stopped.

"Smiling?" I asked confused. I look over at him, he is flying in the air, arrows protruding from every inch of his body... creeping out from behind his fragmented mask is a sinister grin.

"...he won't die..." that's the last thing she said to me.

She didn't answer anything else, just watched Shadow with a studying gaze.

Richard walks up next to me.

"He's going to die..." he said.

"They think otherwise..." I said while watching Shadow. He dived down and disappeared from my sight, but I see bodies and amputated limbs fly into the air. There are far more then before, and they appeared more often too.

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