Chapter 60

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Standing before me are two angels, both moderately wounded, one is of the Wolf-kin, the other is human...

Liliana and her friend...

"You can't win." I said plainly while resting Orochimaru on my shoulder.

My body aches. My last heart was almost pierced three times already and I'm losing a lot of blood.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Liliana yelled.

"Just give up. You're already injured and can barely grip your sword. You're not even worth killing." I turn my back to her and walk away.

She runs towards me and attempts to slash my back. I block with my wing before kicking her about 15 feet away. Pain riddled my leg and waist.

Her friend rushed to her side.

I continue to walk away.

"DADDY!!!" Nakkakika yelled while running to me. When she reaches me, she hugs me, tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Is... Daddy... hu- hur~t?" She asked.

"I'm alright... just got a little careless, that's all." I pet her head. Shortly after I begin coughing up blood, "...seems like I got a bit too careless..."

We walk back to everyone, who are already running towards us. All of them are concerned about my condition, but I keep telling them that I'm fine.

"Can- can someone... remove these from my- my body...?" I ask weakly after sitting down on the ground, "it's hard enough to move... but now that the adrenaline is wearing off... I'm starting to feel them..."

Shadia knelt beside me and began healing my body while someone slowly removed the arrows and weapons from my body.

I grit my teeth against the pain for the next ten minutes. After that, Shadia just heals my body of any cuts, bruises, and broken bones... that one angel really did a number on my ribs...

When I was struck in the chest, before the arrows were fired at me, I saw who did it. A Seraphim angel with a really big war hammer... for someone so strong...he died pretty easily...

"That is all I can do," Shadia stands up, "you'll have to rest for a few days to recover all the blood you lost, Master."

"SHADOW!!!" A familiar voice rings...Richard?

He pushes his way through those around me.

"Are you alright?!" He yelled when he reached me.

"Weren't you pissed at me like an hour ago? Why are you worried now?" I asked, a little confused. Nakkakika sits on my lap and hugs me tightly. I wrap my free arm around her.

She must have been really worried.

"We've known each other for over 15 years, you should know that I can't stay mad at you for long!" He laughs, then turns serious, "How did you get a demigoddess as a servant? Did you enslave her? Trick her?"

"She just follows me of her own free will," I relax my body, "it was her choice, she never calls me by my name and instead insists on 'Master', 'Darling', 'Sweety', and many more... she only calls me by my name if she's serious... and she's never serious..."

"Tell me... do you hate me?"

"For what?"

"For lying to you for so long?"

"No, I don't."

"That's a relief!" He sighs, "What about Evelyne? She wanted to stay with you, but you shot her down."

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