Chapter 63

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"Master," Deyxa said, "everything is ready."

"Thank you," I walk out the door, "let's not keep them waiting."

""As you wish."" Deyxa and Sesena said in unison as they follow behind me.

We walk to the ballroom of the manor.

The ballroom is decorated with flowers and banners. Everyone of my servants, followers, and friends are here. A large cake in in the center of the room.

"""HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASTER!!!!!""" Everyone yelled as I enter.

I smile while everyone individually greets me, Sylla clung to my side the entire time.

"You look fancy," Richard greeted me.

"You're still here?" I joked.

"How cruel you've grown! I still remember the days when you would ask me to play with you!" He laughed.

"Those days are far in the past, back when life was simple."

"Yeah...things were easy for you back then, weren't they?"

"Not as easy as you think, I had to look out for Liliana. Do you know how many fights I got into before I even turned 8?"

"Master!" A girl rushes over to me, a small box in her hands, "I got this for you, I hope you like it!"

This girl is named Rekia Makoto. She is one of our best spies, second only to Nora. While Nora is mostly by my side, she is out in the field gathering information.

"Thank you," I said, taking the box, "I hope you enjoy yourself during the party."

"I will! And thank you for being so kind to me!" She bows before running away.

"So..." Richard begins, "are they all your servants?"

"A quarter of them, yes." I open the box, a silver cross necklace is inside, "that quarter are all slaves I purchased, was gifted, or freed in the past few years."

"You own slaves? And what about the rest?"

"The rest are those who chose to follow me of their own free will. They are those who trust me unconditionally and would follow me to the ends of the earth without hesitation. I trust each and every one of them with my life."

"Is that so?" Rena walks over, two glasses of crimson wine in her hands, "does that mean that you also trust me that much?"

"Of course," she handed me one of the glasses, I accepted it, "why wouldn't I? You've proven quite trustworthy and helpful, despite past issues."

Rena used to despise me like I was the ultimate evil itself, but later that hatred disappeared. I don't know what happened, but now she is the chief of our intelligence network. She has proven herself many times before now and has earned my trust long before that.

She was granted permission by Syn to work for me last year. I don't own her as a slave, she still belongs to Syn. As such, she acts as Syn's representative and the proof of our relationship as business partners.

"Who might this be?" Richard asked.

"Rena Cryst," She introduced herself, "Chief of our Master's Intelligence Network. A pleasure to meet you."

"Rena, Huh? I'm Richard Drekask, The Demon Lord of Flames," he smirks and motions to me, "and the one who had to change this Little Demon's diapers."

I slam the end of Erent on his foot. He winced in pain.

"Are you saying that you raised our Master?" She asked.

"Yes, since he was just a newborn. Me and my younger sister Ashlie Drekask, The Demon Lord of Water, posed as his older siblings for quite a long time. He was quite a handful back then! You wouldn't believe how many times we had patch him up because he got into a fight!"

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