Chapter 19

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In the Realm of the Demon King, a man with midnight black hair, silver eyes, and kingly attire, sits upon a throne while leaning against his hand. He stares out a large window above the entrance opposite of him. Two moons shine through that window, both crimson red but one has shattered into fragments.

"It seems that a candidate has died..." he mutters to himself. "This one looked quite promising too...such a shame..."

The entrance busts open as a young girl runs towards him, behind her are a few of the castle guards. His attention is drawn to her.

"SIRE!!" She yells after reaching the staircase that leads to the kings throne. "I HAVE SOMETHING URGENT TO TE-" the guards grab and restrain her. As they begin to take her away kicking and screaming for them to release her. The king calls to them.

"Please, release her. I wish to hear what she has to say..." he says with a raise of his free hand. The guards release the girl and bow to the king. "Now, Evelyne, speak your mind. It seems to have you quite troubled..."

"Yes, Sire," Evelyne bows before proceeding, "I found out that the Cursed Child lives. I knew not during the time I was with him until he claimed to have the name from the ancient tabloid."

"What was that name? Please do tell me."

"Shadow Ata Zenith, Sire..." she bows again. This peaked the kings interest. He sat up straight and leaned forward.

"So, what of him now?" A small smile could be seen on his face. Evelyne's expression darkened.

"Five years ago, I went in search of him after I exiled him from my realm. I search around the mortal realm near the rift in hopes of finding him. I-" she stopped talking when the king raised his hand.

"Why would you search for him after you exiled him?" He leaned back and rested his head on his hand again. His left hand began to tap the armrest.

"Before he left my realm, he did something I thought not possible..." She pauses for a few seconds. A small splash can be heard in the silence, "I had to watch as within seconds, everything lost its color, strength, and energy. I watched as all life in my realm was snuffed out! HE DRAINED EVERY LAST DROP OF MAGIC WITHIN SECONDS!!! Do you even know what that feels like? The life you protect, starving because all the plants have died? Everything you cherish slowly dying right before your eyes?" She was now on the ground in tears.

"Calm yourself, please, tell me what you found in your search."

"Yes...Sire..." Evelyne slowly calms herself down before she stands and continues, "after seven days of searching I sensed a large output of magical energy that felt similar to his. I followed it until I arrived at the source." She pauses again, this time she doesn't continue.

"What did you find?"

"I found the middle of a cleared forest, dead. Corpses littered the ground behind him, I couldn't even count how many have died or what they even were. Their bodies were in pieces and those that were still intact couldn't even be considered a corpse anymore. Shadow was covered in blood, missing many limbs, and had holes where his two hearts are. But what disturbed me the most was his face...he died with the smile of a madman...but his left looked like the eye of a dragon..."

"How strange...what else did you find?"

"He has a Mark..."

"One of the Demon Lords Marks? He must have been trying to become one..." he starts to stare off into space as he tries to conceive a reason.

"No...he had A Mark..." the king stopped and stares at her.

"What did you just say?" He was confused whether or not he heard her right.

Demon Blood: Chains of FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora