Chapter 9

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I open my eyes. I'm on the ground looking up at a vast sky. I sit up and look around. I'm in some kind of forest with plants I've never seen before! I feel some pain somewhere on my back and feel around for the source.

After a while for searching I figure out that my wings are just a bit sore from my position... WAIT MY WINGS?! Looking behind me, my wings are definitely there, but the seal isn't active, my hair is longer too! And... gray? Why is my hair gray? And why does my hair reach my waist?

I hear something move in a tree and instinct immediately kicks in. I send a few feathers in its direction and get into a defensive position.

"That was a close one! HEY! Watch where you throw those things!!" A familiar voice yells. A figure jumps out of the tree and lands in front of me. It's a young looking girl that looks to be five feet tall with long emerald green hair and eyes... IT'S EVELYNE! "Wait...Who are you... and how did you get here?!" She takes up a defensive position summoning her curved sword from thin air.

"It's me, Creighton!" I say raising my hands in front of me.

"Don't lie to me! You look" she slows her speech, eyes widening with recognition. She drops her sword and rushes to me looking over my body. After awhile she says, "Your voice rings a bell, but your appearance is new! Was it the portal? Wait! Have you been to hell before?!"


"That might be it! But still...your entire appearance changed...entering hell for the first time is only suppose to change small parts of your appearance, not the entire thing..." she looks over me once more "I sure hope this isn't permanent..." she mutters a few more things to herself but I can't hear what she was saying.

"So...why exactly did you bring me here?" I ask. I don't want to dwell to much on my new complexion.

"Well you did use a lot of magic energy helping me open the portal and sustain it for a long period of time. It's not easy to regain that energy in the Mortal Realm, I should know...I was stuck in that temple of ten years and only regained not even half of the energy needed to open it for as long as we did! It's a lot easier to regain it in the demon realms though. Unlike the Mortal Realm, the demon realms are FULL of magic energy! So it will take only ten years to regain all of our magic energy back!"

"TEN YEARS!!!" I yell in disbelief "I can't be gone for ten years! I still have so much training to do!!"

"Don't worry! Time here moves faster then the human realm. One year here is only a day there, so you will be gone for only ten days!"

"But still...fine, whatever, what do we do now?"

"Now we head for my home!" She takes my hand and runs through the forest, pulling me with her.

After half an hour of running we reach a large palace covered in vines. We reach the gate and are greeted my a pair of Valkyrie guards. I can tell that their Valkyries because harpies are the only other demon that has a humanoid figure with feathery wings. But Valkyries are the only ones out of the two that have a full humanoid body with wings sprouting from their backs.

"So you recruited another Valkyrie? What tribe is he from?" One of them asks.

"Oh no, I didn't recruit him, he helped me save a flurry of wisps by helping me open a portal here. He'll be stuck with us for the next ten years, so treat him fairly"

"Yes ma'am! But again if I may, what tribe are you from?" He directs the question at me this time. Valkyrie are classified by the tribe or clan they come from. So...I'm a Valkyrie?

"I don't know...hell, I didn't even know I was a Valkyrie." I answer.

"Really? How could you not know? Wait, are you a Demi-human?"

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