Chapter 64

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"Ma'am," a soldier said, "all preparations are complete."

"Good," I said, "let's begin."

I'll kill that damned demon! I'll avenge my brother's death!

"Are you sure about this?" Seb asked me, "Do you really want to go through with this? You saw what he can do! And on top of that! He's your brother!"


"You say that, but have you ever considered the fact that he hasn't killed us yet? Not once in any of our encounters with him has he dealt a single fatal blow!" He yelled back.

"THATS BECAUSE HE CAN'T!!! HE ISN'T STRONG ENOUGH TO!!!" Tears form in the corners of my eyes.

"And yet Michael chose HIM over YOU! A Heavenly Sword chose a DEMON over an ANGEL! EXPLAIN THAT!!"

"I-..." I look away, "I can't..."

"Well I can! It's because he is STRONGER THAN YOU!!" My chest hurts... "He was fully capable of killing us! But he didn't, he didn't want to kill us! He even encouraged you to get stronger!" Seb takes a step towards me, "He doesn't look like the previous Demon King, his story doesn't match with any of our reports, and he has some form of connection to YOU!" He takes another step, "I won't just stand by and watch you try to kill your own blood! I don't want what happened to me to happen to you!" He grabbed my shoulder, "I've lost someone very important to me, all because I saw the truth too late! You still have a chance! It's not too late to save him!"

"YEAH?! WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW!!" I screamed in his face, tears stream down my cheeks.

I can't deny it... all I know about my brother's death has been proven wrong... the evidence of him still being alive is painfully clear... but the thought of my own brother being a demon... it's too much... it can't be true... IT JUST CAN'T!!!

"I know far more than you... my own sister is the Demon Lord of Nature..." he looked down, releasing my shoulder as his hand falls limply at his side.

I freeze. I couldn't have heard that right...

"...what...?" Is all I could manage to ask.

"We aren't related by blood. No, she was adopted as a baby, shortly after I turned four," he began, "I grew up knowing her as my little sister. She was so kind back then. She would help me when I needed it and always kept me out of trouble, taking the blame every time I did..." he laughed slightly. "How ironic that the younger sibling was taking care of the older sibling..." he grew serious. "But then that day came..." his body stiffened, "Our parents wanted to know who her real parents were, so they took her in for a blood test... none of them returned..." he takes a deep breath and relaxes his body, "reports stated that a demon attacked the hospital they went to... I vowed to hunt down that demon... and I did... until I realized who that demon was... right after... nearly killing her..."

"She's a demon... and demons deserve to die...!" I said quietly, clenching my fists.

"BUT SHE WAS MY SISTER!!" He yelled.


He takes another breath before turning and leaving.

"You know what? Never mind... do what you want... I don't care anymore... you'll never understand until you experience it yourself..." he said, saying nothing more as he walked away.

...he's a fool...for even thinking that he could be related to a demon...!

"MA'AM!" Someone yelled. A soldier runs up to me.

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