Chapter 66

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I fall backwards, panting from exhaustion. My head beats in tune with my heart as I watch the endless skies above.

"And that's checkmate!" Richard yelled. The sound of someone running neared me.

"Are you alright?" Evelyne asked, dropping to my side.

"Yeah...I'm fine..." I panted, "just catch my breath..."

Richard walked into my line of sight. "You put up a good fight AND lasted longer than most!" He offered me his hand. Placing my hand in his, he pulled me to my feet.

"Thanks," I said, somewhat regaining my breath. "I did learn a few things during our fight though, so that's a plus."

"Like what?" Evelyne asked, looking over my body for anything that might be missing. Why is she so worried about me?

"You don't have to examine my entire body..." I trailed off watching her.

She stopped, frozen in place. He face slowly turns red.

"I-It's not like that!" She shouted and kicked me in the leg. "I was just...making sure..."

"Well," I smiled, "you don't have to worry, I'm fine."

She looked at me and smiled. "I trust you."

"Master..." someone said off to my left. A young teenage girl in a white kimono is bowing her head to me. Her white fox ears twitched slightly. Five silky white tails softly sway behind her.

"Yuki?" I said, giving her my full attention. "Is there something the two of you need?"

"Yes, there is..." someone said from behind me. A young teenage boy in a plain black shirt and pants was kneeling with his head low, his right hand over his heart. His black fox ears alert for any unusual noises. Five black tails whipped around behind him, raw magic crackling between them.

"We would like to inform you of a few things." Yuki said, her head still bowed.

"Our Mentor, Sylla Solara Sin, is on her way to this location with The Marionette. Something seems to be troubling her." Yato said, his ears darting in every direction.

"Ms. Isaki has successfully intercepted and repelled the approaching HR Angels." Yuki raised her head.

"We have 127 pending requests that require your approval. There are 30 assassination requests, 10 escort requests, 19 smuggling requests, 42 research requests, and 26 development requests. That is all." Yato stood up, shifting his weight to one side.

"Thank you for the notice." I said, nodding to both of them. "But that's not all you're here for, is it?"

"Nope!" Yuki smiled, her ears turn to her right and stay there. "But you already sensed it, right?"

I nodded. For a while now, someone has been watching us. They started halfway through our sparring match, which wasn't very long in the first place. They've been watching from the forest around us, hiding behind the foliage.

"Master," Yato spike up, "What action do you wish us to take?"

I smiled. "Show them they aren't as sneaky as they thought."

"With pleasure." Yuki curtsied.

"Right away." Yato kneeled.

A few seconds later, they disappeared at the same time, a large blast erupts far behind me. Simply looking over my shoulder, I watch the encounter.

Our hidden spectator emerged from the foliage, dodging the blast. They land flawlessly a few feet away. A white magic circle appeared beneath their feet, locking them in place.

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