Chapter 67

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"Do you want my help?"

Tieyna didn't speak, but slowly nodded while avoiding my eyes. It seems she still doesn't like my eyes... that's alright.

"So?" Sylla said, "What will you do?"

"Have we already gone through the data we took from the Overseer?" I asked as I stood up.

She shrugged. "Don't know. Chara was in charge of that. You'd have to ask her."

I let out a sigh and reached into my pocket, pulling out my HDS. I put it on and bring up its display. After tapping a few times I was able to contact Chara. She picked up almost immediately as a window opened on the display.

"Master!" Chara exclaimed excitedly, "You're awake! How was the coma?"

"Nightmarish," I sighed, "have you finished going through the Overseer's data?"

"Nope!" She cheered, "there's so much that I'm still sifting through it all!"

Damn, then what I need will be more of a gamble than before. "Have you come across the formula for a drug called Phexentoloros Hyprodoxia Pheramex? I need it ASAP."

"Unfortunately no." Chara said disheartened, "I haven't seen any such file in the data as of yet. But I'll notify you when I do find something."

"Please send the formula to the lab for immediate development if you do find it. I'll be awaiting your report." With that I ended the call.

"Phexentoloros Hyprodoxia Pheramex?" Evelyne said, "what's that? I've never heard of it before."

"A drug YOU haven't heard about?" Richard said surprised, "I never thought I would see the day!"

"Hey! I'm not omniscient! I'm allowed to not know something!" Evelyne yelled.

"You know about drugs?" The Wolf-kin boy asked disapprovingly.

"It's not what you think!" Evelyne panicked.

"Ri~ght..." He said skeptically. Why is he acting so casual? He does acknowledge his current situation, doesn't he?

"Your sister here is an expert in the alchemical arts," I glanced at him, "I've studied under her before so I can vouch for her skill."

Richard laughed. "I can't recall a time when one of her concoction did anything other than their desired effect. Excluding the experimental ones, of course."

Evelyne looked away in embarrassment. It seems like she doesn't take praise very well...

"Anyways," I said, "it's not surprising that you have no knowledge of it. PHP is a drug that was created specifically for Tieyna here." I motion to Tieyna. I explain to them the severity of the situation and the consequences if she doesn't get the drug within a certain time period. I left out a few details, like the cause of the strain, how I came across this information, and a select few sensitive details. "With this in mind, I would like to take her to an isolated location to attempt the restoration of her soul. This could take months to complete, but it'll be worth it in the end."

"What if Chara finds the formula?" Sylla asked, "How will we find you?"

"You and Nora will be the only ones who know where we are." I said while looking around until I spot a bird overhead. Using some shadow manipulation, I use the shadow the bird casts to restrict its wings, causing it to fall from the sky. I caught the poor thing in my hand. I feel a little bad for what I'm about to do, but I need to know if it's possible.

Slowly, I crystallize my mana, creating a shell around it. When I've finished, I monitor it's state using the mana of the crystal until I get my results. After that I ran a few quick experiments.

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