Chapter 48

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"Is this really where you live?" Seb asked.

"Yes, I've lived her for two years now." I answer as I look at the manor before us. Around the manor is about 5 miles of just grass and gardens, all of which is my property.

"Do you have any gardeners or servants here?" He asks as he looks around. He sniffs the air and his ears twitch.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Because it's too quiet..." he sniffs once more before narrowing his eyes and baring his fangs, "and I smell iron..."

I quickly summon my Heavenly Sword, a longsword, and hold it tight in my hands.

"Lets see what's wrong!" I yell as I ran toward my house with Seb hot on my trail.

Inside is empty, but the smell of blood is so strong that I can smell it, yet... it's spotless... not a speck of blood can be seen. But this smell... I feel... tired...

"Cover your face! Now!" Seb yells while pressing a piece of cloth over my nose. I take the cloth and tie it around my face and enjoy the feeling of my senses clearing. "I can hear it. Typing. Follow me, quietly."

We walk cautiously though a few halls and up a single flight of stairs. He leads me down a single hallway with a single door at the end of it. My room.

As we near, I begin to hear voices, faint at first but eventually...

"-ost complete." A girl says.

"Make it quick, we don't have much time left." A man says with a little impatience.

"Master..." a boy says.

"Yeah, I've already noticed too." He says again.

"Complete!" The first girl yells.

"If so, then leave already. We're already out of time."

"Of course Master! I'll see you back home!" A window opens.

Seb reaches the door and kicks it open. I reach his side and ready my blade before me.

Inside the room is one man, one young boy, two young girls, and one woman. I can't get a good look at the two girls and woman because they jumped out the window. I saw a pair of white wings on the back of the woman though.

The boy disappears before I can see much of him, but I could see a pair of black fox ears and I think about five or six tails.

The scent of blood disappears too. As if it was never there in the first place.

The man is the only one in the room now. He has waist-long, white hair with a tattered black scarf covering his lower face. He is wearing a black jacket with a black tank-top and a pair of black pants. Black knee-high boots are worn over his pants. He has a silver chain earring with a black crystal-like gem on the end on his right ear. A pair of large black wings are folded neatly behind him.

He stares at us with uninterested eyes... his eyes remind me of something... the red iris and black sclera... where have I seen it before?

"Is that you, Creighton?" Seb asked. That's where I've seen it! Creighton had the same eye when he used his magic!

"..." he doesn't answer, just stares at us.

"If it's you, then just say something! We can help you!" Seb continues, "If you're being forced, then just tell us who's forcing you! I'm sure that I can gather enough Seraphs to fre-"

"You're a Seraph? Of Heavenly Reign?" He asks. His voice is calming, but dangerous.

"Yes! I can help you! Your sister is here too!" Seb motions at me, I lower my sword slightly and look at him with hope. "I know that you didn't die that day! The day you disappeared!"

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