Chapter 15

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I never knew that being right could hurt this much.

We've been traveling for two days straight in a, thankfully, big car.

Where the car came from? No clue. Am I concerned? Not in the slightest.

The ride has been calm and quiet for the most part. Myra asks me questions about myself every once in a while. Damentis stays silent as he drives. Yuki is determined to get better. I couldn't think of anything to practice while inside a car so I would tell her situations where she would have to come up with a's not going so well. After the first hour of that I told her to just try to turn invisible, another ability of a Kitsune. She's been trying ever since with little to no success.

Right now I'm practicing my own magic. I focus on the air in front of me and draw magic to it. I learned that by also using my own magic, I can draw on the magic around me while lessening the pain I'll feel pain. A black line appears and slowly expands until it forms a sword of writhing darkness.

I reach out and grasp its handle, "Solid," I place the tip of my finger on the end of the blade. A crimson liquid trickles down its blade, "Sharp," I release the magic and a wave of exhaustion washes over me, "But not efficient."

"What are you doing?" Myra asks.

"I'm trying to find an alternative way to create a weapon that won't leave a trace. If I use crystallized magic, any shards could allow them to trace its magic back to me. So I want to make a solid weapon that is made of pure magic instead." I answer. If I can do this then not only will it help in the long run, but it's cast time a lot quicker too.

"And I'm guessing it's not going so well?"

"Aye," I lean back in my seat and look at Yuki's progress. I can just barely see the seat through her. Still, that's a lot of progress considering how young she is. "It consumes to much magic to manifest it, I could do something smaller like a dagger but then I wouldn't know my limits with larger forms like a sword."

"But why use your own magic? It just exhausts you even more." She moves a bit closer to me. A sweet scent fills the air. My heartbeat speeds up. I feel warm inside. Before I know it her face is really close to mine. Then she stops. My heart slows down. The scent is gone. I no longer feel that warmth. My head feels heavy and I hear growling. "How did you?" She looks scared. Why?

I look down. A dagger made of darkness rests against her throat. On my head is Yuki casting a Foxfire. So this is why she's scared.

"This is what you don't mess with his highness" Damentis says, looking at us in the rear view mirror. Why is he acting like I'm a king? "It seems that your scent works on his mind, but his body rejects it. You should be more cautious, Myra"

"And you should watch where your driving" Myra says back. Damentis looks forward and swore, we swerve slightly to the right as we avoid a passing car. "Please just focus on driving and not what happens back here"

"If I do as you say, then you'll do something stupid again, I know you way to well"

"As do I" She sticks out her tongue. Without looking at her, Damentis flips her off.

"I apologize for her actions, Sire."

I release the dagger and it disappears into the air. Yuki stops casting Foxfire as she passes out on top of my head. I pick her up gently and place her in my lap.

"What exactly were you planning on doing?" I ask Myra as she leans back against her seat. "What was your goal?"

"I didn't have a goal, I just felt like doing it is all. I use magic to create a scent that can create false feelings inside of people. It's what I specialize in, well, more like it's the only magic I can use" She looks down with a sad expression. "It's completely useless and it's all I can do. I began to learn alchemy a few years back. I wanted to be useful, but who needs an alchemist when they have mages that can do what an alchemist does but are more efficient and take less time?"

Demon Blood: Chains of FateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz