Chapter 32

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The room is silent. No one speaks a word. The woman breaks it.

"All this..." she hesitantly motions to the room which is almost covered in blood, "just for her!" That last was full of venom. "AND YOU!!!" She points at me, "YOU DARE HARM MY HUSBAND?! A LOWLY SERVANT?" She stands and slowly walks towards me.

"A servant? Is that what I look like to you?" I sheath my sword and walk to Phena. I attempt to calm her down. She's been anxious and terrified this entire time.

"HEY!!! DON'T IGNORE ME!!!" The woman yells and of coarse I ignore her. My primary focus is calming Phena.

I hear her walk up behind me. I close my eyes and can sense her every movement. In her hand is a dagger, it must have been from her husband or one of the guards. She raises it into the air before plunging it into my back... it never reaches me.

"What is... that..." she stares in fear as I slowly approach her, my eyes full of an untamable fury. In my right hand is a scythe of writhing darkness, in my left is what's left of her dagger's blade.

A sinister grin spreads across my face, only adding her fear.

"Y-you're... you're a-a m-monster!!"

"Now that's cruel, calling someone you don't even know a monster? For all you know I could be the kindest person alive?" I said.

"And yet you carry the wrath of a million demons within your eyes." Syn says... he has a point...

"I guess you're right, it's just that she and her poor husband have been pissing me off this entire time. I've held myself back, but not anymore. They attempted attack Phena because she wouldn't listen to them when they had no right in the first place to order her around. That is unforgivable!" I continue my walk as my scythe drags across the ground. The woman backs away from me.

"Agreed..." Syn stands from his desk and walks along side me, "they've made me angry with the way they treat my FAMILY!" A malicious aura radiates around him. "Lets punish the wicked, my friend..."

"Yes, lets..."

Me and Syn spend long hours calming down with our new friends. We did some calming activities with them and it seems at least two of us enjoyed them.

The first activity was where both me and Syn would drag our new friends down four flights of stairs. It was like music when their heads hit each step.

The second activity was even better then the first! We let them torture themselves by using my dagger. With every tiny cut, their lust would multiply. The two guards and the woman were able to remain sane, the man however...

The third activity was exclusively on the men. We took their manhood from them and watched as they bled in agony. Then we would inflict even more wounds until they couldn't move. Syn was the only one who did this part.

I took the woman to another room and stripped her of all her clothing. I then put shackles around her ankles and hung her by her feet. Very slowly I began to slice at her, using her as a living practice target for precision strikes. When I was done with that and while she was still among the living, I cut halfway through both of her Achilles Tendons. I watched with a giant grin plastered on my face as she screamed and screamed and screamed. Very slowly her own ankles would tear under her own weight, eventually severing her feet from her body.

When she finally hit the ground, I grabbed her by the hair and took her back to the room Syn was in. All the way I was humming a pleasant tune.

At the very end we had a biology lesson on a demon and Demi-Humans anatomy. What's quite interesting is that a demon has only one heart, but a Demi-Human has two. And what's even better is that the higher status the demon or Demi-Human is the more hearts they have! The woman had four hearts while her husband had only three. Surprisingly, the guards also had four hearts. To acquire more hearts though, it requires one to undergo a long and painful ritual.

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