Chapter 13

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"What do you mean by that?" Evelyne walks closer to me "You're Creighton of course!"

Yuki begins to wake up from her rest.

"I truly don't know what you mean. My name isn't Creighton, it never was." I turn back to Yuki as she opens her eyes.

"Haha, very funny." She stops and places a hand on her hip. "Ok, I'll play along. If your name isn't Creighton, then what is it?" She smiles.

"My name is Shadow" I look at her. She is petrified. She doesn't move an inch. She's hardly breathing. She does one thing. She asks a question.

"What is your full name?"

"Shadow Ata Zenith" A small breeze kicks up around me then dissipate. Yuki is now wide awake and is staring at me. I begin to scratch behind her ear, she squeals with joy.

"There' way..." Evelyne stumbles backwards, fear fills her entire being. "You were supposed to be dead...died as soon as you were born! HOW IS THE CURSED CHILD ALIVE!!!" She begins to freakout.

"Cursed Child? What do you mean?" I ask out of curiosity, completely ignoring her current condition. Yuki becomes interested too. She climbs up my chest and looks over my shoulder at Evelyne. Evelyne doesn't even notice her.

"DON'T TALK TO ME!!! LEAVE MY REALM AT ONCE!!! TAKE ALL YOUR CURSED POSSESSIONS WITH YOU TOO!!!" Evelyne starts to run away from me. I try to call out to her but my words land on deaf ears. With Yuki on my shoulder and my notebooks and papers in hand, I return to the mansion.

When I reach the mansion, all of my belongings are scattered across the ground outside of the gates. As I approach the gates, the guards raise their guard to defend and prepare to counter anything. Their attention is on me. I try to get closer to them, but the closest one to me swings a sword at me. I dodge, being careful not to throw Yuki off my shoulder. She growls at the guards as I begin to gather up my belongings and place them in a leather backpack that was with them.

When everything is packed and accounted for I head to the area where I first arrived. After reaching it I begin the incantation to open the rift to the mortal realm. When complete I look behind me at the mansion in the distance, hatred slowly fills me. Hatred of those who aided me, only to betray me because of my name! Hatred of this world and it's cruel ways! A hatred of everyone and everything! I glare at that mansion with this hatred. I turn to the slowly closing rift and walk through it. My hatred growing ever stronger with each passing second. Before I fully walk through the rift, I take the marble sized crystal and no matter how much pain I felt, filled it with magic energy from myself and the air that fills the realm. Within a matter of seconds, I've completely drained my own reserves and the magic potent air from the realm. All of it resides in a tiny crystal. Oh, how much fun I'm going to have with this!!

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How could I let the cursed child into my realm? No, more important, how is the cursed child even alive?! He's supposed to be dead!

I walk to a window that faces the entrance. I warned all the guards of who Creighton really was earlier. When I told them, they all became cold and focused, most became frightened. I had all of his possessions removed from the mansion as quickly as possible and thrown outside the gates.

Although something seems wrong. He didn't know what the Cursed Child was. Does he not know what he is? Have I made a mistake? No, I didn't. Whether he knew what he was or not, I didn't make a mistake!

I feel something strange from outside the window. I look in the direction it's coming from and see a rift. In front of that rift is a boy with white hair. That boy is staring at me with hatred in his eyes. It's scary, his glare has petrified my body. What happened to make him so terrifying?

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