Chapter 37

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With this god forsaken seal on, the black ice I created isn't even near as cold as what I'm used to. Nevertheless, it's still cold enough to cause our opponents a lot of pain.

The outer ring and runes of the magic circle disappear as the inner becomes darker and more menacing.

My grin widened.

"Flamma Telebris!" I yell, pouring even more mana into the circle. Then something I didn't predict happened... it cracked. The magic circle cracked and shattered, releasing all the mana I put into it in a blast. My spell backfired.

No, that's not right... there's no way I could fail a spell that I created. But If I did make a mistake, then why did the outer ring work and the inner not?

I use some shadow manipulation to prevent myself from falling.

A scent reaches my nose, magic, not mine but another's. Did they interrupt my spell without my noticing?

I release the dome of darkness that hold Yuki and the twins before I begin to reabsorb the mana I used from both the air and the ice.

"What happened?" Sesena asked.

"Some complications, don't worry though, it'll be over quickly!" I said as I stomped hard on the ice. It shatters in an instant because I weakened it drastically by absorbing the mana in it. Now whoever is trying to learn what I can do before my match with them will think that it's brittle whenever I use it.

I unsheathe my sword and rush forward at the closest enemy to me, the shield bearer. He is still recovering his stance so I attack quickly. An uppercut slash will do. As I preform the attack, an arrow cuts deep into my shoulder. It weakened my attack massively because of the surprise and pain, my sword bounced off their shield. I quickly retreated and pulled out the arrow while deflecting another shot with my sword.

This is no longer that easy.

The man with the axe rushes me as he prepares to attack. I guess it's time to start for real!

I sense Deyxa begin to cast a basic fireball spell behind me, a plan formed in my head.

"DEYXA! AIM AT MY BACK!!" I yell as I parry the axe wielder's attack.


"JUST DO IT!!!" I interrupt her. Reluctantly she finishes her cast then launches it at me.

I parry another blow before the fireball reaches me. I dodge last second while touching it with a clawed hand, inject it with my own mana. It turned black and became ten times the size.

It hits the axe wielder and creates a large cloud of smoke.

I utilized this moment and rush towards the shield bearer again. When I reach him, I quickly dispatch him with three quick blows to his body after knocking his shield away from his body.

Next I focus on the mages. I move as fast as I can towards them.

It takes me longer then I wish to admit because I had to dodge a few spells and arrows. When I do reach them, I'm able to successfully take one out and wound the other before something I was kinda hoping for happened.

The rear-guard swapped from her bow to her daggers and rushed me.

I kick the remaining mage with all my strength and send them flying across the arena. I did this to fool the woman who is now rushing me into thinking that I didn't notice her... it works.

She quickly approached my right side and jumps when she is about five feet away.

I grin even wider, open my right eye and stare directly into hers. She froze up, fear filling her eyes. When she is about to reach me, I form my claws on my left hand and plunge it through her stomach and out her back, using her momentum to my advantage.

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