Chapter 45

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"Huh? Could you please repeat that, I don't think I hear that right..." How can she be B1 P44V67? I must have heard it wrong.

"Shadow, I'm B?29 hAa!5k. You knew that, right?" Nope... heard it right...

She slowly walks towards me.

"No, I didn't have a clue..."

"Well, now you do." She wraps her arms around me, "It's so good to see you in person, to see what Hg 7O2 looks like." She pushes me at arms length and looks me over, "You share 5Or hair color, your eyes are... not either Nc b6ie... I can tell you have 2! affinity with magic by the glow of your eyes... but have IbV skills with a weapon, judging by your muscle tone... your body is similar to B992, but your face is closer to 11C... and you definitely inherited Ouu4 DaII21's stature..."

"Bb hhto39?"

"Might as well tell you. B223 f0at2P is Isithunzi, a protective one, he was. When we first met, we were enemies, but I saw something in him that changed my view of him. From the Evil Corrupted Demon King I first saw, he soon became the Handsome Valiant Thief who stole my heart." She sits down on one of the couches and offers me a seat by patting the spot next to her, I accept, "I tried hard to deny those thoughts, but every time I saw him, my heart would race and my mind became clouded. One day, I just gave in and when we got close to each other in our next encounter... I kissed him." She cups her face with her hands, "What a wonderful feeling that was! Just thinking about it makes me want to experience it all over again! But I'll have to wait before that can happen. Afterwards, he told me that I beat him to the punch and we got together, keeping our relationship a secret."

"That's a strange version of Romeo and Juliet..." I say.

"But it doesn't end in death." She said with a smile.

"Hold on!" Yakamoto yells. The two of us look at him, "You already know that he was alive? Before we even brought him here?" The others seem to be wondering the same thing. I feel Yuki land on my head.

"Yes, I've talked to him a few time before, but only when he visited the deepest depths of his soul, as I could only sense him there. When I first sensed him, I was overjoyed. I knew it was him, the aura of his presence told me so. It was the same I felt when I first laid my eyes on him."

"Was it really that easy?" Ferren asks.

"No, that's just the simple version. It was a lot more difficult than that, it tires me just thinking about it."

"There's no need to explain it to us if it causes you discomfort. We only wish for you to be happy." Felynna says softly.

"Master?" Sesena asks. The twins started calling me that after I gained ownership over them... I don't like owning them, it feels really weird to think about, "does this mean that your royalty and an angel?"

"Does it?" I ask my 'Ca330P'. I'm still a little skeptical about the thought.

"Yes, you are of royal blood, for both demons and angels. Being an angel, however, I can't say for certain. What you know on the matter is what I know." She said.

"Hmm... I know for certain that I'm part demon... being an angel as well...? I don't really know."

"You do have my blood flowing through your veins, your wings come from me. Their not like your Father's sharp and unnatural ones." She touches my wings with a finger, "they're so soft too."

"Y2 221iI3's wings? You mean his bladed wings right?"

"Yes. It seems you didn't inherit that part of him. Thank goodness too! I wanted o3 314 to have some aspects of 2N in him!"

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