Chapter 49

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"Are you changing the subject?" I ask, irritated.

"No, but it seem they've been using it." Seb walks towards my computer. It's on?

"Wait, what could they have wanted from my computer?" I ask as I follow him, forgetting about my previous anger.

"I don't know, but it seems they found what they want..." he points at my screen.

I focus on the screen. My files are open with four of them missing. I know exactly what they were too. They had information on classified locations, HR lab locations, captured Demi-Humans of the impure bloodline, and all operations conducted by the Hiyo branch of Heavenly Reign.

I tell Seb this.

"Then they only stole minor information? This stuff is easy to alter. Why would they steal this kind of information?" Seb scratches his ear as he thinks.

"I don't know, but let's figure it out later. The sun is starting to set and we still don't know what happened to my staff." I leave the room and Seb follows. We search the manor and surprisingly enough, all the staff are fast asleep in the guest rooms. All of them are unharmed, except for a few bruises or small cuts, they're fine!

Seb and I ponder this for a while but don't come up with a definite answer for why they are like this. His guess was that it had to do with the smell when we entered. It might have been a very strong narcotic or something.

The next morning, I investigate further into what exactly was missing from my computer. It seems that only those four files were missing and they weren't even one of the larger ones too, which is strange. It did seem that they were pressed for time...

"Hey! Liliana!" Seb yells from behind me.

"There's no need to yell!" I yell back as I turn to face him. He's chewing on a piece of dried meat while reading over the latest news on his PHC. He's dressed in some rather casual clothes which actually makes him look kinda normal...only a little though.

"It seem Shadow raided an HR lab last night. It was a small one, but one nonetheless." He swipes the holographic screen towards me. I look at my PHC and read what he sent me.


Last night at approximately 3:12 am, an explosion was heard by Officer Brian Carter, who was patrolling the area. Officer Brian went to investigate the noise and stumbled across The Moonlit Raven standing in front of what seems to have been a Heavenly Reign facility. When more officers and even some Angels arrived at the scene, The Moonlit Raven had fled the scene. Officer Brian was able to capture a picture of The Moonlit Raven, one of the only and clearest images of The Moonlit Raven. Please remember how The Moonlit Raven looks and report anyone resembling him...
—Here's the picture.—

I study the picture provided. It's definitely blurry, but still clear enough to make out some major details... it's definitely him...

So he's The Moonlit Raven? Heavenly Reign has been following the movements of The Moonlit Raven for a while now. All that's really known about him is from witness testimonies and news reports. We knew that he was the head of a very large and dangerous underground organization, but evidence of that organization's existence has yet to be found.

Now we know the name and appearance of The Moonlit Raven. Not only that, but I now know he was the one who ended my brother's life...

"It seems he holds a grudge against HR even though we're trying to help him...He must be being forced then..." Seb thinks for a while. "Maybe if we can apprehend him, then maybe we can truly find out what's wrong..."

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