Chapter 21

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I rush through the forest.

I sensed a large concentration of magic coming from this direction not long ago.

I arrive near a large building, this is the HQ of that idealist organization called Harmony. The ones that believe both demons and angels can coexist in peace. Unfortunately that can never happen. Only the Demi-Human have that luxury, but even then the impure are still hunted.

The building looks a mess with all the fire and blood. What's happening? I run inside and examine the scene before me.

Fire, ice, water, wind gashes, blood, corpses, broken weapons, and dented shields are everywhere. I see some of the organizations members to the left but they aren't moving, just staring at what's happening to my right. What is happening on my right looks like a massacre. Body parts are everywhere. The floor is drenched in blood. Cleave marks are everywhere on the ground. I see the top half of someone's body fly through the air, they're still alive...

I look below them and see a large group of people in black armor with a symbol on their backs. It's a ivory cross with barbed vines wrapped around it and two roses on either side. The emblem of a human organization that experiments on Demi-Human of the impure bloodline. They're corrupt straight to the core, they deserve to die!

The group of people begin to move towards the entrance while still looking at the unknown threat. Suddenly they turn towards me and run, fear can be seen on the ones with no helmets on.

I prepare to fight and summon my spirit sword. It's curved dark green blade lit by the flicking flames around me. I swap my grip on it so my first strike will use the inside of the blade, as I prepare to launch my first attack, I see a black blade slash through the one of the humans in front of me. Then another, then it pierces another and throws them at someone else. Then I see the wielder of that black blade, I can't believe my eyes.

Long white hair stained with blood. Large black wings upon his back. Eyes as black as the void itself with irises as crimson as the blood around him. His left iris is that of a dragon's. In his hands is a large scythe made of the darkness itself.

Shadow is alive...

He twists his grip on the scythe and swings it behind him. He catches another human in the side as they were casting a spell. The spell is released as an explosion on the caster, only his lower half is remaining. Shadow then throws the body at another human and runs after it, all the while he wears smile fit for the devil himself.

The targeted human is hit by the body but doesn't fall and instead blocked it. Shadow jumps over him and when he lands, spins and decapitates him.

The rest of the humans reach me but I don't make a move to stop them. I'm too busy trying to figure out what I'm seeing before me. Is this real? They run past me and out of the building. Shadow runs this way. It's just an illusion right? It's not real! It can't be!! RIGHT?!

He jumped...and landed softly on my shoulder...I can feel it...I can even feel when he pushes off...he's real...

I turn slowly to look behind me. His scythe is raised above his head. Time slowed as I watch him bring it down with one hand. Dust fills the air a second clears ten seconds later...nothing is in front of Shadow, no trees, no people, no grass. Just destruction, a permanent scar upon the earth.

I walk outside, very slowly. I hear him exhale, then he falls to one knee, trembling. I drop my sword, it disappears before it even hits the ground.

"Is that you?" I ask. He doesn't respond. "Tell me...IS THAT REALLY YOU?! SHADOW!!!" This time I yell. He look back at me. I see his left eye first... it looks exactly like his right eye now... what is going on?

"Evelyne?" He says. His voice is weak. "Why are" his scythe, which is stuck in the ground, disappears. He falls forwards...he's not moving...

I run to him, worry fills my thoughts. I shake him, I yell, I scream his name, ask if he's ok. No response, his eyes are closed and his breathing is weak and ragged. I check his pulse, faint. This isn't good...

I need to help him! He's going to die at this rate! I turn him on his back and begin to think.

"I need... black lotus!" I mutter. Using my life magic, I grow a black lotus flower and take one of its petals. "Next is a root from a withering drop..." again I use my magic to grow the plant. I avoid touching it's withered petals and stem. I dig up the roots, the only safe part of the flower, and break off a piece.

Using some more magic I create a smooth mortar out of the earth and drop the petal and root inside. I grab a piece of debris and smooth it out with some more magic before grinding the ingredients into a fine powder as fast as I can.

"Lastly, a drop of blood..." I bite into my thumb. Blood slowly rolls down my hand. Placing it over the powder I let only a single drop on to it. With two fingers I begin to mix the blood and powder together until I get a paste of sorts. With the paste on my fingers I rip open Shadows already shredded shirt and paint a star across his chest, then put a line on his forehead.

The paste obtains a slight glow as it does it's job. I feel my magic drain from my body and into his, very slowly does his breathing stabilize. I carefully check his pulse, stronger then before and slowly getting better.

I breathe a sigh of relief. I hear a squeak. I look towards the building, a small white fox with some incredible speed is moving towards us. It reaches us three seconds later and sits on the opposite side from me. It looks over his body slowly, spending more time on the paste and small wounds then anything else. Once it's done looking at him it sets its gaze on me. It's crimson eyes stare into mine for a time before it lays down next to Shadow.

I become tired as the paste continues to drain my magic to heal Shadow. I lie down next to him. I'm glad that I could save him...wait...why did I save him? Don't I hate him for what he did? Why did I save him?!

As my world slowly dims to black I hear something...a voice, deep, hollow, and ominous...

Because he is of no use to me dead...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I stand before a gem of pure black, inside is a

Behind me is a gigantic black dragon, tied down by white chains. One giant deep crimson eye stares at me. I know this dragon, yet I can't remember its name.

I walk to it. It continues to stare at me.

"Who are you?" I ask.

Who are we?


I am you and you are me...

"Really? Then...are you Shadow?"

No, I don't hold that name, but another...

"Then what is your name?"

The time isn't now, when the requirement are met, our name shall be revealed...

"I don't need a new name, I like mine"

In due time, we shall see who will hold the chains. For whoever holds the chains, wields the name...

I was confused and was going to ask what it meant but it disappeared, as did I.

Demon Blood: Chains of FateWhere stories live. Discover now